Are players getting better, or are there more cheats?

Been playing this game for years, started in UK must be round about 10 years now so how is it that in recent months I regularly struggle to get a positive k to d in matches? Players of all ranks seem to be able to leap around firing off kill shots and over 100 kills which used to be quite rare is very commomn now, often over 100 kills and only like 30 deaths in a full house free for all. I know not everyone cheats, and the wallers are obvious but are there aim cheats around now? Are senior ranked players as well as noobs using them (and why have they banned the word 'noob' in the game??) Or am I just too old for this stuff now? It's like every game has at least one person who'll join and win easily then leave instantly at the end. Very few good, close, fair feeling matches nowadays. Frustrated and puzzled :/


  • Well..I think you are right on both fronts.
    There are so many hacks now that you would be surprised.
    There used to be basic hacks that players used, but now they have become more sophisticated over time.
    Also players have gotten better at the game over time because the mechanics of the game have not really changed much.
    If anyone could name all the hacks this game has Ill bet there are more even they did not know.
    I hate cheats, I also understand why they do it though.
    In everything in life to get an advantage is to be one step ahead, and as players dont take this game seriously, some will cheat if they can get away with it.
    And get away with it they do.

    My advice is ti play, have fun, dont cheat yourself and if you see a player cheating then dont say anything just know that you are better.
  • Players are just getting better, or maybe there are alot bad players now so good ones stick out :D anyway I regulary get 100+ kills in 12 mins ffas, its not hard, ive seen legit players have 200 in snipers ffas.
  • brbora wrote: »
    Players are just getting better, or maybe there are alot bad players now so good ones stick out :D anyway I regulary get 100+ kills in 12 mins ffas, its not hard, ive seen legit players have 200 in snipers ffas.

    This. there's a lot more bad players now in a lot of rooms that don't even know the essentials of the game other than pressing G to toss their gun to try to trade with someone. Plenty of them don't know how to use specials in Mutations or in Zombie mode 2 or 3 even. So when a good player is playing with them they are gonna get lots of kills.
    I'd also argue that there's less people hacking now than there used to be or at least that are completely obviously hacking unless of course you play ranked at certain times of day/on the weekend. Sure you'll run into some in pub matches but in my experience anyway they are a lot fewer than they used to be even compared to a year ago (and i'll honestly say the discord live reporting has helped a fair bit on this matter). This also helps the legit good player in matches against the gun hunting type.
    Top in more access to weapons like VIPs and 9a91s and TMPs...and well those scores become easier and easier for a good player to get in a room of bad players.
  • So of course the previous answers make all sense ...... But I'll add that after the adding EU to NA many like MANY really good pros came into the game when you see a player with under 40 or 30 ping you know instantaneously that things are not going ti be easy they are really good with ak tap kills and using pistols though in na we are better with snipers (except me ... I'm a bad ak player :D )

    So yeah many noobs to farm on ... Idiotic guns like 9a91s and temps .... And high or even low ranks EU players ..... Eventually the problem of this game (hackers)

    That would be my full answers

    P.s: i think emerging EU with us was the best thing in this game as they would help us improve by showing new levels ..... Although they made me lose tons of ranked matched :(:(