What is the current game size?
I am installing the game on a laptop. The download page says the minimum hard drive space required is 7.5 GB and the recommended is 10 GB. I have roughly 40 GB available space on my laptop but when I try to install the game I get a message saying 'not enough disk space'.
delete some po*rn might help that.:p
Very clever ...Dont let it be installed on C drive u may not have space there, when installation begins u have an option to browse the place where u want it installed.
I don't have any additional drives, all I have is the C drive. I can install other games that take up more than the 9.99 GB that Y0ungAngie suggests CF needs. I was downloading Smite before I figured I'd rather play CF. That took up 17 GB I believe, and I also had some more other games installed as well. I had used most of the drive with about 2 GB free space before I cleared up the 40 GB room for CF. So I'm guessing my drive isn't the problem.
Edit: I tried to install it directly to my desktop instead and now it works. Previously I attempted to install it to a new folder in Programs (x86). Must be that the particular folder has a limited use. Anyway issue solved. -
after game installs its around 13.1, but also remember that the installer being downloaded is going to take up some room as well. so have at least 25gb freed space. also after installing cf i'd suggest deleting the installer and downloader to save space
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