No Collision for MM/HM/HMX

Hey everyone,

As we have already seen from Mutant Escape that no collision is one of the features which is part of the mode. It's probably one of the best well received features by the community since it's stops players from blocking and cheating in-game.

My suggestion is to implement this feature to the other mutant modes such as Mutant Mode, Hero Mode and Hero Mode X. This is mainly due to stop players from cheating in these modes by blocking other mutants from mutating a specific player. This will therefore make the overall gameplay a lot of fair and would stop any issues with blocking in the future for those modes.

I would to thank you for reading this suggestion. Please feel free to provide your opinions and feedback on this suggestion.

Thank you once again,


  • This is a big yes. +1

    The benefits of preventing people from blocking be it from preventing a friend of theirs from getting mutated or blocking the mutants that just mutated you into an area out of spite or 'lulz' out weigh the cons of it hurting the effectiveness of some choke points.
  • +1

    Agree 100% on this, because that's super annoying especially in Merida map/HM and friends just block each others in the hole or cage.
  • +1 on not making mutants able to block other mutants. However, camping on ladders spots like the one in Rooftops shown below is often made possible by mutants not being able to pass each other on the ladder. If no collision would be implemented, multiple mutants would be able to come up at once and camping spots like these will become utterly useless.

  • I do like the idea, but I would love a "ghost"-timeout. If a mutant doesn't use WASD keys (or presses two of the opposite direction to stay on place) he goes "ghost". So no collision. Maybe with a little timer like 5 seconds. So you can give a friend an advantage for short, but you cannot abuse it that easily.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    I do like the idea, but I would love a "ghost"-timeout. If a mutant doesn't use WASD keys (or presses two of the opposite direction to stay on place) he goes "ghost". So no collision. Maybe with a little timer like 5 seconds. So you can give a friend an advantage for short, but you cannot abuse it that easily.

    I think a mutant can still efficiently block upon slightly pressing WASD.
  • Maybe we can take this to a different route that would combine the idea of no collision and not throwing away the idea of choke points. In that I mean what if they made it so that when a mutant gets shot they become 'solid' and can block other mutants then but only while being shot. therefor theoretically blocking would still be near impossible to do AND choke points could still work as when you start shooting the mutant who first tries to run through it'd still hold up the following mutants.

    That would only leave 1 sad but not utilized much by players anyways thing. Which is using a fellow mutant to boost to a spot behind the camping players. There's a few maps and spots where this is almost needed for the mutants and a great example of that would be in the Research Facility one with the destroyable boxes. If a soldier gets up there and destroys the boxes about the only way to get up there as a mutant is to boost off of another one.

    Other options that would use a similar principle as each other would be:
    A)Make no collision for mutants but create a special weapon drop in the crate as a grenade that has an area of effect for a short while that gives mutants within it's field able to block each other. The idea being that soldiers could grab this from the boxes for use when mutants try to run into your choke point. Since it'd be kind of like that slow field grenade from Mutant Knight it would only last awhile so it'd make blocking for the entire match out of the question.
    ^^ this idea could go with a general mutation update that would update the weapons/things we get from Supply Drops in mutation anyways as those are quite outdated and often times just lead to you getting mutated when you try to pick them up anyways.

    B.1)Make a new mutant who has the ability to become 'solid' while mutants have the no collision thus allowing mutants to boost off of each other when needed. Since it'd be a special skill it'd require mutants who have evolved a little though this could make blocking last a bit but the effect could wear down before the cooldown on the use of said effect thus making it impossible to just spam it and block that way.
    OR B.2) reverse it and make said new mutant just have an ability that removes collision for a short time thus blockers aren't safe. but choke points stay intact still as well as does boosting.
  • Utmost wrote: »
    +1 on not making mutants able to block other mutants. However, camping on ladders spots like the one in Rooftops shown below is often made possible by mutants not being able to pass each other on the ladder. If no collision would be implemented, multiple mutants would be able to come up at once and camping spots like these will become utterly useless.


    First of all, the ladder is not the only way a mutant can get the soldiers standing on the specific camping spot you posted. If you haven't noticed already, you can get the soldiers from the behind by jumping. I also want to refer you to the Mutant Escape Map, there is also a ladder on this map and is pretty much near to impossible to climb up for mutants.

    I don't think having no collision will affect the gameplay much as any side needs a good team in order to win.
  • I would prefer this added to co-operative modes instead. Zombie modes can get a bit hectic so I can't always check the radar for player positions. I end up dying because I keep running into teammates while backing off from zombies.

    As Ixith said, one of the few ways to get to the top of the cube area in Research Facility after the boxes are broken is to jump on another mutant. Most players don't have access to Assassin's knockback grenades or Jiang Shi's high jump so removing character collision would make that area really cheap... more so than it already is.
    For mutation modes, I'd propose adding a Push action to counter blockers. Not something you could spam constantly, it would need a long cooldown or a 10-15 second charge up period. A melee-range knockback available for all mutant characters would help with people that block.
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]Abel;n6889240]

    First of all, the ladder is not the only way a mutant can get the soldiers standing on the specific camping spot you posted. If you haven't noticed already, you can get the soldiers from the behind by jumping. I also want to refer you to the Mutant Escape Map, there is also a ladder on this map and is pretty much near to impossible to climb up for mutants.

    I don't think having no collision will affect the gameplay much as any side needs a good team in order to win. [/QUOTE]

    It nearly ever happens enough mutants boost up behind that spot and the ladder is much shorter than the one in Mutant Escape. Don't get me wrong, I do really like the suggestion and it would work on most of the Mutation maps, just not on this one.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Maybe we can take this to a different route that would combine the idea of no collision and not throwing away the idea of choke points. In that I mean what if they made it so that when a mutant gets shot they become 'solid' and can block other mutants then but only while being shot. therefor theoretically blocking would still be near impossible to do AND choke points could still work as when you start shooting the mutant who first tries to run through it'd still hold up the following mutants.

    That would only leave 1 sad but not utilized much by players anyways thing. Which is using a fellow mutant to boost to a spot behind the camping players. There's a few maps and spots where this is almost needed for the mutants and a great example of that would be in the Research Facility one with the destroyable boxes. If a soldier gets up there and destroys the boxes about the only way to get up there as a mutant is to boost off of another one.

    Other options that would use a similar principle as each other would be:
    A)Make no collision for mutants but create a special weapon drop in the crate as a grenade that has an area of effect for a short while that gives mutants within it's field able to block each other. The idea being that soldiers could grab this from the boxes for use when mutants try to run into your choke point. Since it'd be kind of like that slow field grenade from Mutant Knight it would only last awhile so it'd make blocking for the entire match out of the question.
    ^^ this idea could go with a general mutation update that would update the weapons/things we get from Supply Drops in mutation anyways as those are quite outdated and often times just lead to you getting mutated when you try to pick them up anyways.

    B.1)Make a new mutant who has the ability to become 'solid' while mutants have the no collision thus allowing mutants to boost off of each other when needed. Since it'd be a special skill it'd require mutants who have evolved a little though this could make blocking last a bit but the effect could wear down before the cooldown on the use of said effect thus making it impossible to just spam it and block that way.
    OR B.2) reverse it and make said new mutant just have an ability that removes collision for a short time thus blockers aren't safe. but choke points stay intact still as well as does boosting.

    I dislike the given options, these wouldn't be effective solutions if you ask me. Boosting is a viable way of getting up on many different camp spots in Mutation Maps and should thereby always be available for mutants to do. I think mutants should be able to pass through each other but should always be able to jump on each other when no collision is implemented.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    B.2) reverse it and make said new mutant just have an ability that removes collision for a short time thus blockers aren't safe. but choke points stay intact still as well as does boosting.

    I like this idea. Activate it to go throgh blockers but everything else like boosting stays as it is.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    It nearly ever happens enough mutants boost up behind that spot and the ladder is much shorter than the one in Mutant Escape. Don't get me wrong, I do really like the suggestion and it would work on most of the Mutation maps, just not on this one.

    I'm not talking about the boost. I'm talking about the fact that specific mutants can jump from the behind and get any soldiers which are camping on that specific spot.
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]Abel;n6889284]

    I'm not talking about the boost. I'm talking about the fact that specific mutants can jump from the behind and get any soldiers which are camping on that specific spot. [/QUOTE]

    True, Maiden can make this jump when leveled up but this requires a certain technique which most players don't have. Jiang Shi also can when leveled up high enough. But, how often do you see players playing with any of these mutants? It's mostly Hulk and Smoke (considering Smoke is in the MP mall).

    In the end you might have 1 or 2 high jumping mutants you need to keep away. This is pretty easy when you keep paying attention on the rear and side of the camp spot.
  • +1 One of the best suggestions about these modes
  • This would of been fine a year or two ago but you probably might get people complaining about players having access to certain mutants which makes it easy for them to reach certain jump spots. I hardly see the hmx users I use to see but imo anything to spice it up, hmx is a great mode and when kick vote is disabled even better.
  • It nearly ever happens enough mutants boost up behind that spot and the ladder is much shorter than the one in Mutant Escape. Don't get me wrong, I do really like the suggestion and it would work on most of the Mutation maps, just not on this one.
  • GMMilano wrote: »
    It nearly ever happens enough mutants boost up behind that spot and the ladder is much shorter than the one in Mutant Escape. Don't get me wrong, I do really like the suggestion and it would work on most of the Mutation maps, just not on this one.

    Well, you're not limited to just that one spot. Each map has multiple camping spots and it will take team work to win.
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]Abel;n6892170]

    Well, you're not limited to just that one spot. Each map has multiple camping spots and it will take team work to win. [/QUOTE]

    Notice how the guy just copy pasted what I posted earlier lmao
  • +1 i still remember 2 guys helping each other in ranked