pink crystal m4a1

I keep seeing people with pink crystal m4. where are they getting it?


  • So they do a newsletter you can subscribe to if you're not already. And in those Newsletters they'll put out a code which you can redeem and it often times has 30 day versions of weapons. I believe the last one was a 30day M4 Crystal Pink.

    You can subscribe or unsubscribe from this newsletter on your account info. So like when logged in, where you see "Hell, [Username]" and then when you hover over that you see "My Account" click that. It'll take you to a page that shows your ID, Forum name, email address, subscription status, and password...well password is hidden behind asterisks but yea. That place. Once subscribed it will of course send the newsletters to the email you have listed when it's time for a new newsletter.