Add the Trade Market Key as a final reward in Monthly Mixup


The Trade Market is overrun by unopened Trading Boxes.
Not many people are willing to try their luck by opening the Trading Boxes as they cost 500 zp each, which isn't really much if you think about it (about $0.50).

But the big majority of players dont have any zp and if they have they ussually dont spend it in opening Trading Boxes.

Because of this there's rarely an opened item, and the items im most interested in (the permanent ones) get bought instantly the moment they come on the market.

For example, i want to buy the m4a1-Iron beast green vfx, but i only want the permanent one.

But it always gets sold immediately and ussually for a super high price too because theres no competition for seller.


That's why i suggest putting the Trade Market Key as the final reward.

Monthly Mixup is mostly filled with uninteresting items that look good but aren't really that usefull.

In the first 2 weeks alone there are at most 5 good items in it.

Instead of adding 5 crates, i believe adding 1 Trade Market Key is much more worth it


Sidenote: Can somebody post this link in the #suggestions channel in the discord server?

I could also ask my younger brother but he's not always here so yeh :D
