suggestion for the next 3 months

Well pretty much title

The 10'th anniversary patch will come somewhere in March month,and it should be something big(not only zp sales and bingo craps .. but mainly for the free2play players that the game was made for)

Therefore I have few suggestion for the 10 years patch (and for the next 3 months overall):

2 vips in March patch instead of 1 - and one of the MUST be the nymps
2 new weapons into the mp mall
10'th anniversary ribbon and ribbon for accounts at least 9 years old
new zm3 map
4-5 zp crates (also rare crates like noble and spring ..not only bad box).
zm2 and zm3 ribbons.
since we didn't have perm weapon for ep in boxing week this year - could be nice if they add something on the 10'th anniversary patch for ep
new coupon weapons .
new ranked season,and rework the hmx
series since most of people stuck at lvl gold 6 and can't find rooms any more since no one play
total update to the ep mall weapons to other weapons that were made after the 2.0 update like peony/royal dragon etc' ..and not those 2007 weapons like d.e scope and regular ebr/ regular barrett that we have right now(sorry but the current ep mall all of it suck too hard)

I can keep go but I might lose track

That's it for now,I will see first people's feedback about these few ideas and will see if add another things or no


  • I like most of these ideas, though I just want to see as much new content as possible, no re-releases.
  • Why must one of the VIPs be that one character? lol (although I can see a VIP char released with a weapon as they've done that before)

    For the MP mall, i sure hope they add some things during the next few months. Maybe some more of the stuff that either CF EU never got but NA/UK did or CF NA/UK never got perm versions of but EU did. I'd also like to add it'd be cool if they could introduce a new character through the MP mall like completely new to our version instead of putting in one that was previously only available through ZP.

    Now why would the 10th anniversary ribbon be for 9 year old's the 10TH year after all. It should be rewarded when your account hits 10 years old. I'd say make it for the 10 year old accounts but also do a nice event that rewards a ribbon for a 10 year anniversary event completion.

    Can always be done for new ZM1-3 content. It's fairly simple yet engages most of the playerbase, usually have decent events to go with as well, and just usually brings other stuff with it.

    Well you'll get at least that many ZP crates in a 3 month period that's for sure. There will certainly be Valentine's crates coming up, i'd imagine there might be another Noble crate soon-ish since there's still some nobles not released in our version, though the release of Imperial stuff might delay the Noble stuff. And spring stuff is totally possible if we're looking at a 3 month window right now. With this, i'd personally like to see a re-release of the Blue Dawn weapons during this time frame. They were CF NA/UK Valentines weapons last year but released via Bingo. (i'd rather not see another bingo so soon though...)

    ZM2/ZM3 ribbons would be nice to see. Think for ZM2 they could do something like "100 Wins of Normal or Hard for each ZM2 map" and then ZM3 could be something similar or involve special weapons. OR....and this could be not liked but....maybe they could do a special item/pieces in the ZM3 boxes and once you collect enough you can use them to create a special weapon/item and if you have that special weapon/item you get the ZM3 ribbon.

    new coupon weapons would make sense around the March/April area as it'll have been roughly 5 months since last change then. Though don't expect anything great with the change. Most likely have 1 collectors weapon that helps towards a ribbon or collection (mp7 pink for example), 1 pretty good-OP weapon that doesnt get used often cause it's not an AK or Deagle and thus people say it's not worth it when it's first in coupons but then a month later everyone is QQing about it because they found out the truth (9a91 camo and to some degree the current m14ebr being examples.) and then a 3rd random weapon that is okay at best.

    As for the EP mall....i'm done with them updating that but perhaps we should discuss bigger changes to the EP Mall to avoid potential future massive EP bug abuse. Also personally I dont think limited time crates like the Peony and Royal dragon stuff should be in there. But certainly some of the stuff that's getting old but not is newer than what's currently in the EP mall. It's likely they'll be doing some goodbye goodbuy sales soon for some of the older crates that are less popular and those would make for good additions to transition from BM to EP. I will say though that I don't think stuff like Rebel and Ares should ever be long term stables of the EP mall due to the JHP and Slug weapons in them. In fact any crate with a JHP weapon probably shouldnt be honestly.
  • I really like the idea of a new ZM2 and ZM3 ribbon. The new ZM3 ribbon could relate to the new ZM3 map that you are suggesting. I could be a great idea for more Zombie Mode ribbon variety.

    For Ranked HMX and TDM, they should start making weekly ranked events for all ranked modes so people are encouraged to play for weekly rewards.

    And yes EP Mall needs another yearly update.

    As for the others, why not? +1
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. Many of them are already under considerations, bu not necessarily in March.

    Also you seem to be have a crush on Nymphs lol, that MUST was very strong.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Grumpy;n6883335]Thanks for all the suggestions. Many of them are already under considerations, bu not necessarily in March.

    Also you seem to be have a crush on Nymphs lol, that MUST was very strong.[/QUOTE]

    She's cute and all, but a ugly duckling compared to Ultimatum..