What is the point. !!

What is the point from giving away the normal GP m4a1 ( with an ugly 10th anniv. Badge) as reward for celebrating the 10 anniversary
Really you could do much better than this lame, guys,i know it's a free gun but it's a special event to be remembered

You could add 2 more bullets not 5 we are not that greedy
You could add 10 more bullets in the magazine as the weapon can't make 2 full reloads... This is ridiculous guys 30/50 means you get 30 ... 30 ... 20 REALLY !!

I don't think you pay money for the extra bullets here !

If the other set of 12 weapons inthe 10th anniv collection are that lame You are really destroying our faith in you guys.

I know players who say if this gemmic weapon was sellable they would sell it and benefit from it's GP rather than throwing it in the storage.

Please try to make it remarkable rather than what you are doing now.

Thnx for breaking our 10th anniversary expectations with all these lame events and patches.


P.S : for all those who will say it's a free weapon after all ....i just want to give you a simple example
You may remember the d.e silver something (from the mp shop" a free much easier thing than a whole month of playing" ) this pistol is +3 more than the camo one +2
Which means we can get decent weapons as a free awards


  • I actually really like the model of the 10th anniversary M4A1, though that's the only pro of it. It would've been dope if they added animations surrounding it as the 10th anniversary series in VN.
  • It just a skin, for example, take that m4a1 razer, its the same m4 but with the razer skin. Same ammo 30/90, reload, damage, etc...Plus be happy that we are getting a perm weapon just for playing this game, they'll most likely be more items/weapons throughout the year.
  • I dont think the 10th anniversary weapons should be anything more than the base weapons + the CF sticker tbh.
    Theres no need for it to be anything more. The weapons are a celebration of CF.

    I think of these weapons as collectors items before they're functioning weapons.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    From a pubstar perspective, you might think that this is a terrible gun and it's just a regular M4A1 but from a competitive perspective (even though the M4 era is over), this is still a great gun as it is a CFS exclusive model and if you have the intelligecles to tap heads, it's a perfect gun :-D After all, it's FREEEEEEEEE!

    I didn't know it's a CFS model ( as i only use the ak cfs ) , if it is so i will wait the ak 10th anniv to judge.

    and for all of you guys saying it's a FREE gun after all ..... I just want to ask why a free gun should be a trash gun ! the D.E nobel silver from the MP shop is also kinda a free gun but it got something more either ammo or a better skin so why making it that poor !!

    and for the Razer collection this is some sort of sponsored guns so if they wanted a more sexy looking guns they could pay more i think !!