Ruining the market

So, every one now knows about this EP bug ..... (sure i haven't done it, otherwise i would be hiding now :D )

but i got some questions and need answers from GM/MOD

1- are players that abused the bug gonna be banned !! ( If yes why .... it's not their fault)
2- what is going to happen with those tones of EPs
If someone didn't use the EP is he going to lose all his stack of EPs !!
If he bought crates with all his EPs (they have already won the whole EP market i got screen shots as proves :D:D ) will they lose all the won guns !!
and although if he lost all the blackmarket guns i think it's a little unfaire for us here to be in this toxic market as those players although they lost their EP and lost the guns they still got tons and even billions of GP that they gonna ruin the item shop and GP blackmarket and even get cfs package for decades will they also lose that GP ( it's probably impossible)

this situation is really bad and affects all of us ..... .I really feel bad about this gigantic bug :(:(
