Unfair Matching Teams in Ranked Mode


I playing ranked mode regularly when i play CF and i want say some worst sides of ranked mode. Firstly i am a Sniper. I should say, i very bored from 9a91 and Steyr TMP guns. I mean (sorry for my language but i am very mad) this guns have a skill. This guns can kill enemies without player! Yes, just close your eyes and start shoot and bam! You killed a enemy so much people use this guns in ranked and i think that's not fair because this guns have their kill skill (you can be noob or pro that's doesn't matter, 9a91 and tmp's aims very good). Second point is "Unfair Matching Teams" in ranked mode. I must say when i enter to game i can be ace very easy but i starting go to down after 30 min - 1 hour. Do you know why? Because i can be ace but my teams always bad! i feel like; i play 1 vs 5 the ranked modes because i always be in noob team and i bored from lose. I can be ace hundred times but i am not ranked match "carrier" so i very feel bad/ depressed/ low of morale because i really bored from "lose" by "noob teams". I am in Gold 5th Class since 2-3 week i was 1992/1999 point and i down to 1950 i did up to 1970 i down to 1940 i up to 1975 and right now i down to again 1930-1940 i can't remember very well because if i win 1 game, i lose 4 game and i very bored from that. I can get so much times on ranked "Do we will win?" or "Do we will lose?" because you can see unfair matching on teams at players' character screen before start game. It is very can be seen. If this unfair matching teams in ranked mode will continue, i think; i will leave from CF because like i said "i am very bored from be in noob teams always in ranked mode" and it make me "very low of morale".

1st Problem

9a91 and Steyr TMP unfair guns.

1st Solution for 1st Problem

Block/ Disable/ do Forbidden this guns ( 9a91 and Steyr TMP) for Ranked Mode.

2nd Problem

Unfair Matching Teams in Ranked Mode.

1st Solution for 2nd Problem

While system match teams make it "equal" ranks for both team. Example : if 3 "Major 2" rank player and 2 "Major General 6" rank player have Team A then Team B too should have 3 "Major 2" rank player and 2 "Major General 6" rank player.

2nd Solution for 2nd Problem

While system match teams make teams "equal" auras for both team. Example : If 3 "Gold" aura player and 2 "Diamond" aura player have Team A then Team B too should have 3 "Gold" aura player and 2 "Diamond" aura player.

3rd Solution for 2nd Problem

Every or for some rank players can choose their rooms/ teams.(Just like on normal S&D matches) Example : You need be "Platinum 1st Class" for choose your room but after joined to room you can't leave or if you leave; you will lose 40 point.

4th Solution for 2nd Problem (i think best one)

You can mix all solutions. Example ; if 3 "Major 2" rank player with "Gold" aura and 2 "Major General 6" rank player with "Diamond" aura have Team A then Team B too should have 3 "Major 2" rank player with "Gold" aura and 2 "Major General 6" rank player with "Diamond" aura or 3 "Major 2" rank player with "Platinum" aura and 2 "Major General 6" rank player with "Platinum" aura.

I hope you get what i tried say on 4th solution's example.

3rd Problem

When you enter to ranked match it can start with 3 vs 5 or after start with 5 vs 5 people can leave and you can stay 2 vs 5. This is very sad think on Ranked.

1st Solution for 3rd Problem

Block/ disable players' quit from ranked match after match started so they can't quit from game and 2 vs 5 can't be possible but system while make room, it must make it 5 vs 5. It shouldn't make it 3 vs 5 or 4 vs 5.

4th Problem

Every noob can join to Ranked Match and i hate from be in "Totally Noob Team". Team can be 5 vs 5 but so much times, i feel 1 vs 5 in ranked match because my team usually have only noobs. An example for this think and you will get what i am saying: I kill 4 enemy with my sniper but my 4 team mate can't kill 1 enemy and we lose round or i must kill 5 enemy every round for win but i bored from carry teams in ranked match. I am not carrier for noobs. I just want play CF Ranked Mode. I don't want carry noobs.

1st Solution for 4th Problem

Please put a request for join to ranked so every player or low players(noobs) can't join to ranked. Example; " Major 1 and above can join to Ranked Match. "

5th Problem

There is so much hackers/ cheaters in ranked matches.

1st Solution for 5th Problem

Please add "report" button to game and we can report hackers easily. At least add this button only for "Ranked Match" because they are very big problem.

After all this things i should ask to users : " Do you have a different solution(s)? " and " Do you agree with me? "

I hope CF Developers will take care for this subject and will do some solutions for make ranked mode more fair in shortest possible time.

Sorry for my bad grammer.


