60 ribbon reward
First of all, shouldn't this be posted in suggestions?
And -1
I do not want another grenade which I throw away. Players who are willing to do everything to get those 60 ribbons shall be rewarded with something they actually want, like a special character? That would be my choice, get me a character who has many ribbons on his clothing -
Doesn't matter if it's in Barracks or on the Suggestions channel. Both are okay. As long it's atleast in the barracks topic. I rather to see something else since a nade you use it only once in a round or when you die. And it's already kinda rare to make a nade kill. So I rather see something else for a good reward that will be used more than that.
60 - permanent rare primary weapon or special char
70 - permanent weapon of choice
But this probably won't be implemented anytime soon because not a lot of people have 60+ ribbons.
And this topic has been brought up before but they have never said anything about it so obviously we won't see it happen very soon. -
I have few ideas in mind ,but it's from unreleased content so I'm not sure if it allowed to discuss
Anyway for 60 ribbons I think let the players to choose between one of of the following : ak xmas / ak halloween / m4 noble
As for 70 ribbons - there is not even a question - only weapon by choice -
Well here is my suggestions:
60 Ribbons Reward: Perm Wide Grenade (regular + special color/design) or Perm Character (with special ability different from Smoke,Flash,TeamDamage, something like fall down reduction)
70 Ribbons Reward: Perm Bag or Perm Char Accessory (that gives +EXP) or Perm Mag
Hope we get something different from the types of guns we already have (M4 Custom Crystal / Shovel Red Dragon / D.E Pink Crystal)
P.S. There is a good amount of veteran players with 60+ already, I'm currently 2 ribbons behind 60, not sure about the ones with 70+
P.S.2 Hope to see new ribbons released soon. -
Well here is my suggestions:
70 Ribbons Reward: Perm Bag or Perm Char Accessory (that gives +EXP) or Perm Mag
when you reach 70 ribbons. you will be 100% marshall. so a perm char accessory is not really a reward. AND I WOULD RAGE IN FORUMS FOR SUCH A USELESS REWARD -
I'm fine with anything unique and permanent that is only obtainable with Ribbons, unlike Shovel Red Dragon (it wasn't even permanent on release).
SADLY. the shovel RD was later released in a crate. what a slap in the face of ribbon collectors. -
It's pretty unfair to give all the veteran NA players a wide nade or other OP weapons, since EU players missed most of the limited ribbons.
I'd on the other hand wouldn't mind people getting a skinned weapon that doesn't give players a huge advantage. For example: the Mosin Nagant-Red Ribbon for 60 ribbons and a new Red Ribbon skinned weapon as the 70 ribbon reward. -
60 - permanent rare primary weapon or special char
70 - permanent weapon of choice
But this probably won't be implemented anytime soon because not a lot of people have 60+ ribbons.
And this topic has been brought up before but they have never said anything about it so obviously we won't see it happen very soon.
lol no I don't think a weapon of choice is really good idea cause everyone will aim at the most powerful gun in the game (they see that's very OP) and just chose it to beat other players or even if they did try to win it but they didnt so this is a-1 for this idea.
also personally don't need another character cause I rock my vip trixy all the time so I never use any other ones!
im down for a permanent bag that would be awesome +1 -
It's pretty unfair to give all the veteran NA players a wide nade or other OP weapons, since EU players missed most of the limited ribbons.
I'd on the other hand wouldn't mind people getting a skinned weapon that doesn't give players a huge advantage. For example: the Mosin Nagant-Red Ribbon for 60 ribbons and a new Red Ribbon skinned weapon as the 70 ribbon reward.
mate they do make events for the old limited ribbons every now and then which I don't really agree about cause they are just remaking events so nothing new to most of the players but still it is a fair shot for those that have just started playing the game or even migrated from CFEU which is still available to get if the event comes on you can totally do it and for example this last event the ribbon rummage which had over 7 ribbons you could get so yeah. -
lol no I don't think a weapon of choice is really good idea cause everyone will aim at the most powerful gun in the game (they see that's very OP) and just chose it to beat other players or even if they did try to win it but they didnt so this is a-1 for this idea.
also personally don't need another character cause I rock my vip trixy all the time so I never use any other ones!
im down for a permanent bag that would be awesome +1
I'm sorry but who do you think actually has 70 ribbons? Literally every cf player or some NA veterans from 2009, 2010? You can count current 70+ ribbons holders on your two hands and the number won't change much in the future. They aren't some randoms and believe me they already have each and every gun you consider OP. They would just go for the ones they've never managed to win. Why shouldn't they be rewarded with something like that? 70+ ribbons now means you were basically active on every event until today. And what if they choose something OP, it's their choice. The odds of you seeing them with that gun in game are 1/100000 unless they're your friends and you play with them (but then you wouldn't complain right?). I think that IS the only reward worth giving for 70+ ribbons.
Permanent bag? Wow, even my non-zp friends have all the bags for like 2 years minimum. Imagine the ones that buy zp and waste it on crates. The worst thing you can give to somebody for such an effort, seriously.
It's also funny seeing all of you VIP users complaining about weapons that give advantage
And I don't see a point of you guys from EU complaining. Yeah, I get the fact that you didn't have ribbons but that is not our fault. You can be happy that they are fair and give you now an opportunity to get the limited ones. Ribbons were a special thing in our version and our veterans should be properly rewarded for collecting them. -
mate they do make events for the old limited ribbons every now and then which I don't really agree about cause they are just remaking events so nothing new to most of the players but still it is a fair shot for those that have just started playing the game or even migrated from CFEU which is still available to get if the event comes on you can totally do it and for example this last event the ribbon rummage which had over 7 ribbons you could get so yeah.
Still I'd rather see exclusive weapons with a nice skin than OP weapons. -
a weapon of choice would be the perfect reward for 60 or 70 ribbons, because many of the players that have so many ribbons have also a lot of different weapons and would be harder to give them a weapon that none of them have already, unless its something unreleased yet in this version.
It's funny how many people think that there are only very few players with 60 or more ribbons.
The comments here are ridiculous.
For my part (64 ribbons) I do not think there should be a reward for 60 ribbons. The next reward should be at 75. ANYTHING, no matter what, but permanently.
Simply said; Everyone should choose what he/she wants (char, weapon, grenade, a durable bag, ZP, EP, free crate tickets) whatever ... -
I'm sorry but who do you think actually has 70 ribbons? Literally every cf player or some NA veterans from 2009, 2010? You can count current 70+ ribbons holders on your two hands and the number won't change much in the future. They aren't some randoms and believe me they already have each and every gun you consider OP. They would just go for the ones they've never managed to win. Why shouldn't they be rewarded with something like that? 70+ ribbons now means you were basically active on every event until today. And what if they choose something OP, it's their choice. The odds of you seeing them with that gun in game are 1/100000 unless they're your friends and you play with them (but then you wouldn't complain right?). I think that IS the only reward worth giving for 70+ ribbons.
Permanent bag? Wow, even my non-zp friends have all the bags for like 2 years minimum. Imagine the ones that buy zp and waste it on crates. The worst thing you can give to somebody for such an effort, seriously.
It's also funny seeing all of you VIP users complaining about weapons that give advantage
And I don't see a point of you guys from EU complaining. Yeah, I get the fact that you didn't have ribbons but that is not our fault. You can be happy that they are fair and give you now an opportunity to get the limited ones. Ribbons were a special thing in our version and our veterans should be properly rewarded for collecting them.
Well i do agree with you that ppl that has 70 ribbons are very active in every even and yeah it would be nice to get a weapon of choice but personally i dont see people picking guns they sont have but i see them going for the new strong guns that they dont have or didnt get the chance to win and also not every player that has 70 ribbons has alot of weapons cause some ppl just do events and dont spend crazy amounts of zp on crates! (Thats my opinion).
and btw im an NA player since i made my account back in 2009 and i have 59 ribbons atm and ik i did miss on some of them cause i didnt feel like playing or was busy but all good :P -
I would like Crossfire to look at RIBBONS and renew RIBBONS awards, for example, always add weapons to 60 RIBBONS or more, or change the prizes. Thank you. We want a very special weapon too [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"center","data-size":"full","height":"480","width":"480","caption":"Caption","src":"https:\/\/media.giphy.com\/media\/8L187PhygDDidfXHt4\/giphy.gif"}[/IMG2]
I was playing during the Ribbon Rummage but didn't do any of them. I got the harvest ribbon for playing 30 minutes for 15 days or w.e but didn't mean to get it.
Reason is, THERE IS NO POINT! Maybe when they announce some rewards and then release a ribbon rummage, more players would go for the ribones ya know what am sayin or na -
I was playing during the Ribbon Rummage but didn't do any of them. I got the harvest ribbon for playing 30 minutes for 15 days or w.e but didn't mean to get it.
Reason is, THERE IS NO POINT! Maybe when they announce some rewards and then release a ribbon rummage, more players would go for the ribones ya know what am sayin or na
Even though you don't get rewards, collecting ribbons in general is fun to me. -
Ribbons are the basic definition of reward, you did something to get it, you put in some effort point being, you deserve a reward but the fact that you collected 60 or more is an obvious sign that you want them and you expect something in return.
My idea is, if you put in so much effort in getting so many, why shouldn't you be looked at as a player who deserves more than the average player?
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