Best DNS for gaming
thisisnotfun wrote: »Cool.....
Would you care to share with us how you did that.
Not all of us are technical geniuses like you :cool:
Help us out here
hue sure
I thought to share videos and pictures but I was afraid people would think I have malicious interest...
1)go to the "internet icon" on your tasks bar (the icon in the right side of sound icon)and right click on it + click open settings
2)click change adapter settings
3)if you use desktop right click on the "local area connection" //////// if laptop(wifi)then right click on "wireless network connection"
4)click properties
5)find "internet protocol version 4(TCP/Ipv4)" on it and after click properties
6)fill in VI on the circle "the the following DNS server adresses"
7)on the "prefered DNS server" need to fill in
on the "alternate DNS server" need to fill in
8)click ok >> then click close and it would update your DNS to google dns
if you know better DNS for gaming then do the same steps and instead of 8888/8844 fill in the numbers on the dns you found
this steps are for windows 10...not sure how the setting are called on win 7/8 since I didn't use win7 since 2013/4
(and I'm not a "genius" - I am dumb as a fish..I just google "how to change dns" and repeated like a parrot the steps in the video)
I did what you did and used G@@GLE should have done that from the start.
It didn't do much for me so I reset, but it may help others good advice:D
And....FYI some fish are smart the lung fish can survive on land for days, and some fish can climb trees, fish are smart like you :rolleyes:
Thanx -
adigagever92 wrote: »I just get my ping reduced by 11 (from 83 to 72) only by change my dns to google dns o.0
finally not a third world ping
(just sharing)
If you want it even lower now that you've already got a static IP and are using google's primary and secondary DNS, connect a router to your modem and port forward CF ports I'm sure you can find them somewhere in forums, that'll prioritize any traffic utilizing those ports and allow access through firewall open NAT type.You would configure the port forwarding to the static IPv4 you already configured.
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