Armored Beasts

Dear Gm : i wonder if it was fair to pay 137k to get EXP bouns 100% ! while the best VIP ever costs 125kzp but gives 200% EXP and other cool effects ? It was Written in the pre-order page that even generades will give Bouns so we thought that each one of the package will give bouns +EXP% but we were shocked the fact of 100% . BTW i can see many many new players who pre-paied for this package and most of em didn't like it.
About DE-Armored and IAS-Armoed i think its all the same ZP BM weapons , i mean DE-Armored is the same of the normal DE-Silence with only +1 bullet and Quick hands , Also the IAS-Armored is the same of the normal IAS with only Quick hands , finally about Generades its only one word [Just Forms].
My own wish about that proplem is if u can improve at least DE and IAS adding something like bonus EXP/GP, and if u couldn't i will be blessed if u can trade me any a Rifle and a Knife instead of the whole package.
wish not to make u mad
Best Wishes


  • 1. do u really think that any one would pay 230k zp to get those Armored Beast collection ?????
    2. where're those generades and how to buy them ?
    3. didnt u mention that generades will give bouns EXP and GP ?
    4. i got some friends bought only generades , they're not count as VIP and no EXP/GP gain !!
  • The reason for the low EXP/GP buff is that those items are classified as a Noble VVIP item, not a Luxury.
    Remember you are paying 230k for three items, which is ~76k per item. Luxury DEs and melees cost 100k each, and Rifles cost a bit more.
    The QBZ itself is amazing, the damned thing has 100% wallbang lol.
    The DE is a lot faster than it's BM counterpart, and the IAS have the Quick Hands perk, exactly as advertised.

    You can't buy the Grenades Armoured Beast at the moment.

    ALL of the perks were properly listed on the presale page, I'm sorry if you misunderstood them, but you should have known what you were buying.

    It's not possible to trade the items you bought on discount for the fully priced items that are even more expensive than the ones you've bought.