So after this christmas update i wanted to play CF but when i turned it on it says FAILED TO CONNECT TO SERVER and i dont know what to do i already restarted pc and modem flush .
Can someone help me ?
yea same problem, can anyone help us ???? -
3. Flush and register DNS. Please try following instructions:
For Windows 7 or 8:- Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.)
- Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.)
- Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
- Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
- Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
- Turn off your Modem/Router and wait 5 minutes
- Turn your Modem/Router back on, wait until it booted completely
- Back on your PC, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
- Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
- Reboot your computer.
So after this christmas update i wanted to play CF but when i turned it on it says FAILED TO CONNECT TO SERVER and i dont know what to do i already restarted pc and modem flush .
Can someone help me ?
Allow me to clarify...
In this game there are 2 words for actual maintenance and a crash & burn failure... that you need to know
Maintenance Vs Scheduled Maintenance
Usually the word "Maintenance" in this game is a cover-up word for: screw ups, failure, bugs, malfunction, something not functioning properly
Scheduled Maintenance: This one is a actual maintenance, a scheduled, logical and pragmatic checklist maintenance... we don't know for sure because these are corporate secrets... everything from rebooting their server (memory dumps, replace server hardware, double or triple check the sqlite client database, look for faults, faulty source code... etc...) Data mining, and so on... the list goes on.
This game is a client program, a 3D function program connected to a 2D command line server, it connect to specific network ports (TCP and UDP ports ranging from 10009 to 13008) so when the server program isn't up and running you see a default error ("Failed to Connect to Server")... so if the client side (your pc and your side) works, clearing your dns won't fix nor do any good because the problem lies on the Server side.
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