Why do we have suggestion thread?

Why do we have a suggestion thread when none of our suggestions gets implemented to the game, unless it's already existing from another CrossFire region? Why are none of our unique suggestions being added, there's barely any items, maps, system and so on that CrossFire NA has an not CrossFire China. As well it's kinda sad to come with really good suggestions and not getting any form of any validations from a GM. It would be nice to get a reply from a GM about your suggestions, or at least close the post to know that this suggestion has been reviewed.

There's also a lot of common things that should have been added to the game for a long time ago, such as being able to save the re-binded keys without needing to re-bind them every time you restart the game, join ranked match or change servers. Be able to play full screen windowed mode, having more options to customize your crosshair, fix the chat filter and so on.


  • In the short time I've been on this forum I've seen Grumpy reply quite often on suggestions. Iplementing them on the other hand is hard because devs decide what content CF West gets.

    Some suggestions like the voice packs for Masha and OPES did get implemented.

    You still make some good points, CF West could be a bit more community driven.