Remove character collision in Mutant Modes

This is getting too annoying whoever plays with clan mates or friends. If you don't have Assassin Mutant and you block people, let's say, in the place below where the mutants spawn, you have no way of getting there. It's impossible.

What should be implemented is what CF China did in their recent 50 man Mutant Escape Mode. Completely removing unit/character collision so there are no problems on players jumping against each other, blocking, or unecessarily blocking. It breaks the fun of the mode and only causes frustration, not only in casual play, but also in ranked match.


  • -1 for that suggestion
    Why? Simply because soldiers would then stand absolutely no chance when 10 mutants gang up on them. No way in hell could 2-3 people hold off cage and put out enough DPS to consistently kill 2-3 mutants.
    That means we'd see more parkour, more TMPs (because it's easier to run and dodge if you stun mutants), and a lot less team play.
    And since it's nigh impossible to evade 10 mutants chasing you consistently, we'd see a lot less soldier won rounds.

    However, blocking in ranked matches is NOT allowed. Players you report DO get punished.
  • While I can wholeheartedly understand the sentiment of the idea, I feel as though not having the ability to boost to certain locations (The Rooftop in Zone 13 comes to mind) due to the lack of collision would take away quite a bit of the "cooperation to survive" part from some maps.

    Doing it like CS:GO in which they allowed you to pass through players, but still retained head collision so that you could boost would be the ideal solution to this, in my opinion.

    However, it'd probably be difficult or nigh impossible to implement jumpable head collision while allowing you to pass through considering how much of a fossil the engine is.
  • heck i'd be happy if they released a new mutant that had the ability to walk through other mutants as a skill. People would still try to block but it'd but if they say put that mutant in for MP shop for like 1 day purchasable but with a larger cooldown then there should be at least 1 person per room that has that ability and could make it less troublesome for the blocking while not making it TOO present. And...the ability would be like any other mutant ability where the first level/tier of the mutant wouldnt have access to if it's a case where it's a mutant blocking a single person in....they would get mutated but if it's a group of soldiers grouping together and using a choke point then the ability won't always be that effective in that scenario.

    Personally I don't have time to report blockers the few times i do end up playing a mutation game. while fairly annoying it's just not worth saving replay, tabbing out into a browser, and then spending the time to write up the ticket and hope something happens to that individual just to have 3 other people do it in another match.
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]4Real;n6872466]-1 for that suggestion
    Why? Simply because soldiers would then stand absolutely no chance when 10 mutants gang up on them. No way in hell could 2-3 people hold off cage and put out enough DPS to consistently kill 2-3 mutants.
    That means we'd see more parkour, more TMPs (because it's easier to run and dodge if you stun mutants), and a lot less team play.
    And since it's nigh impossible to evade 10 mutants chasing you consistently, we'd see a lot less soldier won rounds.

    However, blocking in ranked matches is NOT allowed. Players you report DO get punished.[/QUOTE]

    I agree 100% with this, not to mention the fact that a guy running with TMP has more advantage over mutants since he can just walk right through them.