Unable to view EP balance solution
hey all,
Noticed that some people are having issues checking out their EP balance in the EP shop. If you're logged in and unable to see your EP balance like below,
Press CTRL + F5 and then you'll be able to see your balance.
If you're using an iphone, please try the following:
- Go to your settings
- Hit safari
- Press either "Clear cache" or "Clear History and Website Data".
Noticed that some people are having issues checking out their EP balance in the EP shop. If you're logged in and unable to see your EP balance like below,
Press CTRL + F5 and then you'll be able to see your balance.
If you're using an iphone, please try the following:
- Go to your settings
- Hit safari
- Press either "Clear cache" or "Clear History and Website Data".
So the solution to this problem is to refresh your cache, and I believe you would go to your settings, hit safari, and it may either say "Clear cache" or "Clear History and Website Data". [/QUOTE]
Thanks it works!call me hayace dog
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