Does Xigncode actually do anything?

I keep getting random errors every now and then, meanwhile there are invisible or flying players in literally every SND room, and that's not even exaggerated.
I haven't seen this kind of cheat in like 3 years playing CF EU, did those cheats return when x-trap was replaced with this new program?


  • Yes it sometimes gives a random message and closes your crossfire that some suspicious program is running (and you as a person have no clue what that is because they don't tell WHAT PROGRAM IT DETECTS)
  • Yes , they like to go under the map here ob Na xD
    games cheatfree a few days after the patch...
  • I don't understand why they can't get a competent hack detection. It should at LEAST be able to detect people who are walking through the map or under the map insta headshotting everyone lmao
  • No it doesn't. It's the worst anti cheat I have ever seen in a game let alone heard of it when they introduced it. Everyone got their hopes up when they replaced X-Trap (even though at the time X-Trap was doing a really good job, no hackers, maybe wallers that's it) and about a week later you see someone flying.. LMAOO
  • There were times when we also had many cheaters with xtrap, but over the past 3-4 years there were bascially no "ragehackers" around at all, meaning those that "don't give a duck" and just fly/speed/aimbot around without hiding. Don't know what it was like in NA, but those cheats were basically dead for many many years in EU. Got no doubt that there were more sneaky aimbotters/wallers around, but I haven't seen a ragehacker in literally years.
    I hope they can get this under control quickly as there's really many around. 3/3 of my last SND games had at least 1 guy who was just invisible with an aimbot, I could only see the weapon flying and some distorted player model at the ground.
  • The easiest way to control this would be to just make it so as soon as someone is Under the map at any point it just kills the hacker, but rewriting their anti hack is pretty hard for How out dated crossfires Source actually is considering its pretty much the same engine sense 2008, but yeah we normally only get like 3 maybe 4 days of hack free games after patchs then its just a kluster of these people not caring if they get banned, but going back to the Distorted Players in the ground if they just made it an out of bounds and Instantly killing anyone in these out of bounds areas could fix a bunch of these issues until they find another way around it, as for the flying no idea how they could fix that.
  • There were times when they actually had damage zones in all boxes and other areas you could glitch into, just as errors popping up as soon as you are somewhere you shouldn't be. I guess those were removed to decrease the amount of Client errors. Hoping that CF2/HD will be better in that regard, but I got my doubts.