HMX Botters..

So something that have been going around for a long time now mostly in HMX but goes for Ranked and other gamemodes aswell are the amount of people AFK Botting in HMX and many other gamemodes HMX being the most common one out of any other gamemode there is.

So my suggestion would be if you have been in the same room for like 30min to about 1 hour total you should not be able to join the same room for a long time or just change the system of being AFK the botters needs to stop as they are botting basicly 24/7 and opening support tickets for each person thats botting is really annoying.


  • I have no clue why they do this anyways but it's pretty hard to tackle all the people that are using a AFK-bot in game.
  • So you basically saying that you sit all day long at home and reporting every a.f.k bot that isn't harm any one that you see?and also report other players for very unnecessary reasons? my apologize (and you can report me if you want)but toxic players like you are exactly the ones who needs to be forbidden from play this game and not the botters.I hate botters too,but what you doing is just every single person who simply farm daily mission only because the final outcome might result by tear down their accounts,and after it you come here and accuse everyone without honorable ribbon to be hackers..sorry but I have no words for you
  • e33ffws23 wrote: »
    So you basically saying that you sit all day long at home and reporting every a.f.k bot that isn't harm any one that you see?and also report other players for very unnecessary reasons? my apologize (and you can report me if you want)but toxic players like you are exactly the ones who needs to be forbidden to play this game and not the botters.I hate people botters too,but what you doing is just every single person who simply farm daily mission only because the final result might tear down their accounts,and after it come here and accuse everyone without hsr to be hackers..sorry but I have no words for you

    OP actually has every right to report these people, according to the CF system you can't be inactive longer than 2 minutes in game, if you are in game longer using a AFK-bot you're going against the rules.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    OP actually has every right to report these people, according to the CF system you can't be inactive longer than 2 minutes in game, if you are in game longer using a AFK-bot you're going against the rules.

    I'm pretty sure you switching words here and completely missed my point

    OP isn't reporting because these people harm his or any one else time in game nor he care about people "breaking the rules"...he reports purely for the joy of ruin people accounts
  • Could you please quote the part out of OP's original post that's suggesting this? I can't find it.. To my knowledge he's just suggesting the AFK bots that are used by many players should be tackled and that he finds it annoying that he has to keep reporting them.

    Nothing in his posts suggests "he reports purely for the joy of ruin people accounts"
  • Utmost wrote: »
    Could you please quote the part out of OP's original post that's suggesting this? I can't find it.. To my knowledge he's just suggesting the AFK bots that are used by many players should be tackled and that he finds it annoying that he has to keep reporting them.

    Nothing in his posts suggests "he reports purely for the joy of ruin people accounts"

    There you go
    and opening support tickets for each person thats botting is really annoying.

    He had admit that he report players for bs reasons in every opportunity he get.

    Report hackers is understandable,but to report people who trying to finish daily mission in not a manual way because they don't have the time or something else as small sized reason as that,just like that cuz he most people something like this would be considered as "below the low" and he will stay very lonely without friends or any one wants to talk to him.

    @to op -you do realize that bans for af.k bot are always 3 days and never perm and not a serious enough offence for remove their honor ribbon do you?so gg with wasting your time

    [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] -look you are new here(I mean you come from eu),and you don't know how wild this community becomes every time when someone suggest to make an option to restore the honor ribbon.everyone are all of a sudden becomes like a beasts rebelling against the idea,and start saying "Give the ribbon back to hackers?never!!",like hacking is the only reason for lose it or something(there is also a one step further-some insane people who compare this ribbon to "murder")you will never get to know that felling like when someone like op report you for nothing and you lose your ribbon,and then right after everyone calls you "hacker" until your very last day in game,while you never done anything offensive enough,so don't try to judge people who are against threads like this.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    OP actually has every right to report these people, according to the CF system you can't be inactive longer than 2 minutes in game, if you are in game longer using a AFK-bot you're going against the rules.

    join a room. place something heavy on ur enterbutton and u dont idle out. if this is against the rules than well done cf.
  • egypig wrote: »

    join a room. place something heavy on ur enterbutton and u dont idle out.

    That is not allowed.
  • e33ffws23 wrote: »

    There you go

    He had admit that he report players for bs reasons in every opportunity he get.

    Report hackers is understandable,but to report people who trying to finish daily mission in not a manual way because they don't have the time or something else as small sized reason as that,just like that cuz he most people something like this would be considered as "below the low" and he will stay very lonely without friends or any one wants to talk to him.

    @to op -you do realize that bans for af.k bot are always 3 days and never perm and not a serious enough offence for remove their honor ribbon do you?so gg with wasting your time

    [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] -look you are new here(I mean you come from eu),and you don't know how wild this community becomes every time when someone suggest to make an option to restore the honor ribbon.everyone are all of a sudden becomes like a beasts rebelling against the idea,and start saying "Give the ribbon back to hackers?never!!",like hacking is the only reason for lose it or something(there is also a one step further-some insane people who compare this ribbon to "murder")you will never get to know that felling like when someone like op report you for nothing and you lose your ribbon,and then right after everyone calls you "hacker" until your very last day in game,while you never done anything offensive enough,so don't try to judge people who are against threads like this.

    Not gonna lie but i get a headache from reading this, botting is against the rules and i do not report people for the joy of runing peoples accounts and the games where people AFK bot you can be the one getting infected then the rest is just AFK botting meaning ur alone and cant do anything at all not to mention u guys are not playing the game still gaining XP,GP,EP compared to people actually playing meaning u take a HUGE advantage for free rewards..
  • e33ffws23 wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure you switching words here and completely missed my point

    OP isn't reporting because these people harm his or any one else time in game nor he care about people "breaking the rules"...he reports purely for the joy of ruin people accounts

    How in earth is this ruining for players account? They either follow the rules or get punished for their action which aren't allowed in the game! Having botters ruins the players who play HMX for none farming purposes. Do you think it is somehow fun for a mutant to be all alone while rest of the mutants are being away from the keyboard farming GP/EXP, Event Points etc...? That one mutant that is playing the game for real, will have no chance to mutate or play the game by its purpose. He's basically under advantage, and it is definitely no fun for that particular mutant nor for the survivors. There's no form of challenge.

    "but toxic players like you are exactly the ones who needs to be forbidden from play this game" Toxic? What in any form of that text is being toxic? Botters are seemingly ruining the players experience, end of story. And it's pretty ignorant to say that they do not harm anyone, because they in-fact do. From my point of view it looks like you highly support these botters, and i've this small suspicion that you are also a part of these botters (no offence).

  • Not gonna lie but i get a headache from reading this, botting is against the rules and i do not report people for the joy of runing peoples accounts and the games where people AFK bot you can be the one getting infected then the rest is just AFK botting meaning ur alone and cant do anything at all not to mention u guys are not playing the game still gaining XP,GP,EP compared to people actually playing meaning u take a HUGE advantage for free rewards..

    How in earth is this ruining for players account? They either follow the rules or get punished for their action which aren't allowed in the game! Having botters ruins the players who play HMX for none farming purposes. Do you think it is somehow fun for a mutant to be all alone while rest of the mutants are being away from the keyboard farming GP/EXP, Event Points etc...? That one mutant that is playing the game for real, will have no chance to mutate or play the game by its purpose. He's basically under advantage, and it is definitely no fun for that particular mutant nor for the survivors. There's no form of challenge.

    "but toxic players like you are exactly the ones who needs to be forbidden from play this game" Toxic? What in any form of that text is being toxic? Botters are seemingly ruining the players experience, end of story. And it's pretty ignorant to say that they do not harm anyone, because they in-fact do. From my point of view it looks like you highly support these botters, and i've this small suspicion that you are also a part of these botters (no offence).

    Why do you post from two accounts?

    "Get a headache" - I could say the same for your posts

    In the last time I played hmx there was maybe one botter in the room and not the entire room,also the exp/gp gained without vips and without making kills are very little few,so your argument is nonsense.

    I'd dare to say that if we were able to watch your report history we'd see way more tickets that are not necessary reports for botting (maybe some screens of conflict of two randoms in the lobby?or screen from lobby of some clan in a closed room farming events?huh?).you report everything within your capabilities,and I'll stand by my very first post on this thread.

    This community is very funny sometime,they can never get their stuff together,once I post a screen of 13 botters in a room farming event crates then forumers said to me "you cry over few botters",and now one week after someone else say "they ruin game and ruin experience"-so botters have effect or not?

    Btw-hmx is for kids
  • e33ffws23 wrote: »

    Why do you post from two accounts?

    "Get a headache" - I could say the same for your posts

    In the last time I played hmx there was maybe one botter in the room and not the entire room,also the exp/gp gained without vips and without making kills are very little few,so your argument is nonsense.

    I'd dare to say that if we were able to watch your report history we'd see way more tickets that are not necessary reports for botting (maybe some screens of conflict of two randoms in the lobby?or screen from lobby of some clan in a closed room farming events?huh?).you report everything within your capabilities,and I'll stand by my very first post on this thread.

    This community is very funny sometime,they can never get their stuff together,once I post a screen of 13 botters in a room farming event crates then forumers said to me "you cry over few botters",and now one week after someone else say "they ruin game and ruin experience"-so botters have effect or not?

    Btw-hmx is for kids

    Just to clear things up im not Pirateslaugh its actually a friend of mine and during weekends the xp gain and gp gain is HUGE and actually i only have 2 reports right now and if you think bots are fine in the game then cheaters should be too since botters are basicly cheating :)) ?

    Also since you are defending botters it pretty much tells me or atleast makes me think you are one of them since you are smart and you know botting is wrong you wouldnt want a botter in your ranked games right ? cause then ur basicly playing a 4v5 game ?
  • My god and he says I'm missing the point. I might be new here but sure as hell know it's against the rules to AFK bot. If he likes to farm the event so bad he should do it in a private room where he wouldn't get reported. I honestly don't even care about people being AFK, I just want to empathize that it's simply against the rules to do so and OP has every right to report them.

    If they want to keep their honourable ribbon so much, play the game normally.
  • e33ffws23 wrote: »

    Why do you post from two accounts?

    "Get a headache" - I could say the same for your posts

    In the last time I played hmx there was maybe one botter in the room and not the entire room,also the exp/gp gained without vips and without making kills are very little few,so your argument is nonsense.

    I'd dare to say that if we were able to watch your report history we'd see way more tickets that are not necessary reports for botting (maybe some screens of conflict of two randoms in the lobby?or screen from lobby of some clan in a closed room farming events?huh?).you report everything within your capabilities,and I'll stand by my very first post on this thread.

    This community is very funny sometime,they can never get their stuff together,once I post a screen of 13 botters in a room farming event crates then forumers said to me "you cry over few botters",and now one week after someone else say "they ruin game and ruin experience"-so botters have effect or not?

    Btw-hmx is for kids

    Why is your point of view so one sided? Do you not understand that that botting is against the rules? There's is a reason to why it is! It feels like i'm genuinely talking to a brick wall having this argument which basically doesn't seem to go anywhere at all. If you're gonna argue something, at least have a solid foundation to build on. Because i can't see any good arguments or valid points.

    "Btw-hmx is for kids" yeah, you're obviously not to be taken serious at all. And that the fact that you as well said "but toxic players like you are exactly the ones who needs to be forbidden from play this game"

    AND FOR THE LAST TIME. YES! Botters ruins the players experience, look from my first post and you'll understand why.
  • At the end of the day....Botting is against the rules and ruins the fun of the game for others just so the people who do it can get 'free/easy' rewards. If someone gets a little enjoyment out of 'ruining' those peoples' accounts by reporting them for breaking rules. then so be it. They deserve it for ruining the fun that could be had in a game and quite frankly they ruined their own accounts as soon as they broke the rules. End of discussion on that really. Now let's talk about how we can potentially mitigate the botting situation. mmmmkay?

    Personally think it'd be pretty easy to negate the HMX/mutation botting epidemic if they made some key changes to maps. My thought was if they had everyone spawn in a contained box above a section of the map. In order to get out you'd have to jump over a small ledge on the side but the spawn points and facings would be randomized so that scripters couldn't script their way out of it. Then once the mutations sets in you have 10 seconds to leave the box if you haven't already. Failure to do so creates a damage field that quickly kills anyone still in it. If you die 3 times in a match you get kicked from room and it gets logged. If you get too many of that kind of kick then you get an actual punishment. Perhaps to start with a 7 day ban from the game. then 30 day if you do it again. Then a perm ban.
    The box would of course sit high enough above the map so it wouldn't cause problems with actual gameplay (though perhaps could be reworked into future map designs) and i'm sure they could rig some kind of preventative fall damage reduction or just give soldiers more HP since they just get mutated and not actually damaged. that way they can survive the fall down to the map.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    At the end of the day....Botting is against the rules and ruins the fun of the game for others just so the people who do it can get 'free/easy' rewards. If someone gets a little enjoyment out of 'ruining' those peoples' accounts by reporting them for breaking rules. then so be it. They deserve it for ruining the fun that could be had in a game and quite frankly they ruined their own accounts as soon as they broke the rules. End of discussion on that really. Now let's talk about how we can potentially mitigate the botting situation. mmmmkay?

    Personally think it'd be pretty easy to negate the HMX/mutation botting epidemic if they made some key changes to maps. My thought was if they had everyone spawn in a contained box above a section of the map. In order to get out you'd have to jump over a small ledge on the side but the spawn points and facings would be randomized so that scripters couldn't script their way out of it. Then once the mutations sets in you have 10 seconds to leave the box if you haven't already. Failure to do so creates a damage field that quickly kills anyone still in it. If you die 3 times in a match you get kicked from room and it gets logged. If you get too many of that kind of kick then you get an actual punishment. Perhaps to start with a 7 day ban from the game. then 30 day if you do it again. Then a perm ban.
    The box would of course sit high enough above the map so it wouldn't cause problems with actual gameplay (though perhaps could be reworked into future map designs) and i'm sure they could rig some kind of preventative fall damage reduction or just give soldiers more HP since they just get mutated and not actually damaged. that way they can survive the fall down to the map.

    Personaly i find this some what good but what about the people botting in ranked games ?
  • Ixith wrote: »
    At the end of the day....Botting is against the rules and ruins the fun of the game for others just so the people who do it can get 'free/easy' rewards. If someone gets a little enjoyment out of 'ruining' those peoples' accounts by reporting them for breaking rules. then so be it. They deserve it for ruining the fun that could be had in a game and quite frankly they ruined their own accounts as soon as they broke the rules. End of discussion on that really. Now let's talk about how we can potentially mitigate the botting situation. mmmmkay?

    Personally think it'd be pretty easy to negate the HMX/mutation botting epidemic if they made some key changes to maps. My thought was if they had everyone spawn in a contained box above a section of the map. In order to get out you'd have to jump over a small ledge on the side but the spawn points and facings would be randomized so that scripters couldn't script their way out of it. Then once the mutations sets in you have 10 seconds to leave the box if you haven't already. Failure to do so creates a damage field that quickly kills anyone still in it. If you die 3 times in a match you get kicked from room and it gets logged. If you get too many of that kind of kick then you get an actual punishment. Perhaps to start with a 7 day ban from the game. then 30 day if you do it again. Then a perm ban.
    The box would of course sit high enough above the map so it wouldn't cause problems with actual gameplay (though perhaps could be reworked into future map designs) and i'm sure they could rig some kind of preventative fall damage reduction or just give soldiers more HP since they just get mutated and not actually damaged. that way they can survive the fall down to the map.

    I think a better solution would be to implement a system in the game that notifies when a player is repeatedly doing a certain key combination. Not sure if this is easy to implement though.
  • So really you removed my reply because i had a point hhhhh

    Can the mod who did this explain removing my reply !!
  • You are all kidding yourselves here acting innocent while you are all farmers you can't reach marshal without farming not to mention the grand marshal rank ...... Farming is farming and you all are farmers either rank farmers or some EP and GP farming

  • MrScapula wrote: »
    You are all kidding yourselves here acting innocent while you are all farmers you can't reach marshal without farming not to mention the grand marshal rank ...... Farming is farming and you all are farmers either rank farmers or some EP and GP farming


    This has nothing to with the actual topic, stop libelling so much.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    This has nothing to with the actual topic, stop libelling so much.

    Ok bro hhhh
  • fact is im not even marshal never have i farmed never will i farm highest rank ive been was major but actually had vvips at that point

    The post is legit made against Farmers / Botters....
  • fact is im not even marshal never have i farmed never will i farm highest rank ive been was major but actually had vvips at that point

    The post is legit made against Farmers / Botters....

    Don't mind his posts, he was mostly trying to slander me.
  • MrScapula wrote: »
    You are all kidding yourselves here acting innocent while you are all farmers you can't reach marshal without farming not to mention the grand marshal rank ...... Farming is farming and you all are farmers either rank farmers or some EP and GP farming


    im here since 3/2011 and reached marshall without exp farming.