Europe is here...
Hello people, im t4sos one of the most known European players( joke joke im funny as you see)
anyway first of all thanks for making this transfer , im glad GMs/Devs listened to us, i was one of the supporters to this idea.
Secondly i have got some questions, and i would like a Mod or someone who knows to answer if possible.
1) What is the exchange system, and why cant we exchange other weapons just an m4 cat?
2) when does season 7 of ranked end( or when did it start?) .
3) If you finish in rank diamond you get a permanent weapon, so you dont have to reach top 100?
4) what is the farming policy? In Europe it was allowed.
5) What is the hack situation? Are there any? In Europe there werent hackers since 2016.
6) Are there any play with GM events, since i wanna make new friends here and its kinda hard , most players are typing hhhhh and 5555....
7) Is there a certain channel where good players play?( im not waiting an Mod to answer here,mostly an good player)
8) when was the last time the coupon weapons changed? I have 3/5 already and im not interested in an Rpk-gradation :P
9) is there a point in making a ticket for missing weapons? Im missing 3 i think.
10) Last question and sorry for the wall of text, i dont understand what the use of the dolls in weapons is, why you get a box of them, why you CANT open the box, why you CAN sell it, and if you get it again if you sell it.
im sorry that i didnt find the question section, and thanks for letting us Europeans here. /-I t4sos
anyway first of all thanks for making this transfer , im glad GMs/Devs listened to us, i was one of the supporters to this idea.
Secondly i have got some questions, and i would like a Mod or someone who knows to answer if possible.
1) What is the exchange system, and why cant we exchange other weapons just an m4 cat?
2) when does season 7 of ranked end( or when did it start?) .
3) If you finish in rank diamond you get a permanent weapon, so you dont have to reach top 100?
4) what is the farming policy? In Europe it was allowed.
5) What is the hack situation? Are there any? In Europe there werent hackers since 2016.
6) Are there any play with GM events, since i wanna make new friends here and its kinda hard , most players are typing hhhhh and 5555....
7) Is there a certain channel where good players play?( im not waiting an Mod to answer here,mostly an good player)
8) when was the last time the coupon weapons changed? I have 3/5 already and im not interested in an Rpk-gradation :P
9) is there a point in making a ticket for missing weapons? Im missing 3 i think.
10) Last question and sorry for the wall of text, i dont understand what the use of the dolls in weapons is, why you get a box of them, why you CANT open the box, why you CAN sell it, and if you get it again if you sell it.
im sorry that i didnt find the question section, and thanks for letting us Europeans here. /-I t4sos
Hey welcome
to your questions:
1)it is called "trade system" - we are just as you - are very less knowing about it since it was added only a month ago to our version-as for now we are able only to sell kitties-we can't sell other weapons because then people would farm events with loads of account and sell weapons & farm zp to their main account.
2)no idea when it'll end but the 7 season just started
3)same-no idea- I never played ranked-don't even know how to join ranked match
4)farming is frowned upon but it's not forbidden
5)yes there are hackers,especially on hmx and td..maybe they updated their anti cheat after the versions combine-but who knows-as for now I didn't see a hacker since yesterday patch
6)there is cf discord channel -there are roughly 400-500 players and staff sitting there all the day time periods-you.can talk to other player there.
7)nope-but uk 4 (europe delta)has rank restriction to sergeant and above and more mature community there than other servers-so there are less hackers there and if there is hackers he get kicked
8)yesterday-next change in 1 year
9)yes send a ticket-they will help
10)the doll is a cosmetic accessory for vips-if you have it equipped you can have a doll just like the one on the m4 jewelry on all of your vips -
Hello tasouli!
You are truly one of the most known players in CFEU, but for the wrong reasons. Sorry.
adding some extra on rushadow's post:
Farming is allowed only if it doesn't give you advantage over others on an event to get the best rewards.
Ranked matches are full of hackers with "obvious regional names", pubs are clean most of the times.
Perm ranked weapon rewards are only for top100 if I'm not mistaken (except nades which are perm for gold and higher).
Welcome and if you want to join a Greek clan, don't join mine :rolleyes: -
Welcome and if you want to join a Greek clan, don't join mine :rolleyes:Yoyo t4sos, Utmost here! You're welcome to join my clan too, it's called EUnited.
Well, he is all yours
Welcome to NA though Utmost, hope you enjoy it here -
About #9: What weapons are you missing? I only noticed that the AK-Scope didn't make it, confirmed with 2 friends that theirs also didn't make it over.
Hey Verm! The AK scope already has been reported missing, if you want to report anything else you can join the CF EU Discord, there is a migration reporting channel there. -
1) What is the exchange system, and why cant we exchange other weapons just an m4 cat?
The trade system is limited to the content which is in the trade system. There will be more content added in the future. If you are active enough, you will be able to make profit from selling/buying items through the trade system from prices going up and down.
2) when does season 7 of ranked end( or when did it start?)
Season 7 of Ranked Matches has just started on the 7th November 2018. Each season normally lasts for a good 4 months however, it is subjected to change at any time.
3) If you finish in rank diamond you get a permanent weapon, so you dont have to reach top 100?
You are allowed to have one permanent weapon if you reach Master rank or above in Ranked Matches. Any Gold Rank and above, you get temp rewards expect from a perm grenade. Anything lower than Gold Rank, you get just temp items.
4) what is the farming policy? In Europe it was allowed.
Farming is frown upon but it is allowed. If you use a 3rd party program to farm, you will be breaking the CrossFire West rules therefore, it will result in your account getting banned.
5) What is the hack situation? Are there any? In Europe there werent hackers since 2016.
Every game has hackers, they come in waves. Some waves are bigger than others. You can report hackers either by Support tickets or Discord.
6) Are there any play with GM events, since i wanna make new friends here and its kinda hard , most players are typing hhhhh and 5555....
Currently there isn't however, you can always make your own events. The last GM event was during Halloween.
7) Is there a certain channel where good players play?( im not waiting an Mod to answer here,mostly an good player)
Channels with a rank restriction is a good start.
8) when was the last time the coupon weapons changed? I have 3/5 already and im not interested in an Rpk-gradation :P
The last time the coupons got changed was on the yesterday (7th November 2018). The same applies to the MP Shop.
9) is there a point in making a ticket for missing weapons? Im missing 3 i think.
If you are missing weapons in-game then yes, you should send in a Support ticket. If you are missing weapons on the website, please allow up to 48 hours and if they still don't appear after this period of time, please send in a Support ticket.
10) Last question and sorry for the wall of text, i dont understand what the use of the dolls in weapons is, why you get a box of them, why you CANT open the box, why you CAN sell it, and if you get it again if you sell it.
The doll is a cosmetic accessory for VIPs. You don't have to keep them, you can sell them and you might get lucky and someone might buy them. The dolls give you no advantage in the game and their for players own personal preferences to customize weapons.
I hope this helps.
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