Trade system failed

The Number of possible boxes is limited...there is a lot of supply and no demand.... one of my sub acc won 4 green colour light thing... no one is buying ...and the other boxes are being saturated.... with 15% "tax"... you can't really either buy or sell... I thought we will be able to trade and maybe make some ZP...but actually I am losing... buy a box with 1000 and a key with win something that will be sold for 1000.. and I will receive 850 from them only...


  • Dolls cost even up to 40k zp now you can find em for 2k zp. Thats 20x times less.
    yes i agree this market is a fail unless you have some zp when the new items come out.
  • yea unfortunately unless you have something like the Cat Box/Cat Gun you're not likely going to be able to sell it and even the cat gun has competition with being sold and people keep setting it at the lower prices hoping it sells which thus brings down the daily average price each day which means the next day it can be sold even slightly lower....and then repeat until it's cheap as well.

    fact is anyone who saw the this system coming and was getting all hyped about being able to 'trade' was getting hyped up for nothing and they should have known that. Of course they were going to take a tax on sales, of course there were going to be either limited items that you could sell, which of course also means the market goes stagnant real fast on certain items.

    Don't get me wrong. it's a neat feature to have and as much as i'd like to see it adapted for all weapons (or at least weapons people have duplicates of) I highly doubt we'd ever see such as that could hurt crate sales pretty bad unless a lot of other rules are implemented that would make the trading system completely cumbersome to use and fairly useless to most of the player base. The current way keeps it at least viable for the player base and if they were to put more items into it say....every couple of might not be too bad eventually. But...the truth's gonna end up more like the MP mall where it gets updated too little and not often enough. I also wouldn't be surprised if they remove old stuff when they add new instead of letting the options grow.

    Like Big said....if you want to make ZP off of need to have a little ZP and be ready for new items to hit. Although I doubt when new stuff hits it will be as worthy of a time as when the system first got introduced as when new stuff comes people will know better on how the system works and be able to decide better on what is worth selling high vs what isn't really worth selling so to try to sell low.
    Oh and as for right now. IMO if you're buying anything other than the cat gun box for as cheap as possible (which sells for less than the cat gun itself last time i looked) then you're making a mistake.