Community tech data collector team


I wanted to suggest to let Z8games appoint a few dedicated and tech savvy people to collect data on bugs ingame.
This would obviously be a volunteer position and would not give anyone on the team any monetary or ingame rewards.
The data I'm talking about could include but is not limited to:

- System performance reports (temperatures of internal components, clock speeds etc...)
- Ingame performance (FPS, ping etc...)
- Previously unkown bugs/glitches and how to recreate them consistently
- How to recreate known bugs and possible causes

and so on...

Basically any info the tech team needs from a large group of players, this group would provide it.

Consider it a sort of playtesting group with a wide demographic, the members should all have adequate technical knowledge to help, but should be diverse (different regions / system specs / OS / background programs etc...)

If this group would come to exist I suggest to give the CF tech team a way to communicate with them directly without using forums or tickets, so that solutions can come swiftly. I suggest a separate text channel in discord only visible for people in the group and the tech team.

There should of course be some written rules on how to collect the data, for example not to alter the game in any way or unpack files, the team would just be noting the end-user product. Also maybe a consensus could be reached about the system specs collection program (for example MSI afterburner or any realtime system performance monitor).

Ultimately Z8 would have the call on what programs to use to collect data, how to do it and how to submit that data, naturally.

I hereby already volunteer myself as part of the team, I'd like to help z8 maintain the game in any way I can. (I really REALLY love this game, but do feel it could use some love & polishing)

I think this idea would drastically improve the workflow of the CF technical team, improve the game in general and therefor lead to a happier customer base. Who knows, maybe it'll bring back some old players or even draw in some new ones (:

Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave your thoughts and suggestions below.

Cheers! - Fit


  • It's not a bad idea...however in a way they do already have something like that on discord, they have a bug reporting channel/web reporting channel where people can help out with stuff like that by reporting any and all issues they encounter in-game over there. I think things would be fine as is, they don't specifically need to have people for that task whereas with those channels anyone can do stuff like that to help them out in any case.