
please fix hackers problems by ban their ip to make him not able to run crossfire on his pc


  • an ip ban wouldn't work perfectly since people can easily use vpn for change their ip and play/hack again

    in my country for example not even needed to use vpn or do anything illegal ,all you need to do is turn off and on your router ,every time you restart the router you get new ip

    I also learned few "tricks" in college like open "hotspot" on my laptop while I am at college and put to my spot the same name and password to as the college wifi network... and see the ip's of the people who connect to the hotspot I opened and by that steal their identity...but this is already something else related ><"

    a hardware ban would be way more effective than ip ban...

    but ye I can understand your frustration about hackers...since I won the aa12 I try to play zm only and weekend prime time/events only because of hackers ,playing during the week on public rooms is long ago not an option :(