Report System.

Dear Crossfire/Z8games,

I would like make a discussion about the topic: Report System.

Im normally trying to report as much as possible people from cf, mostly because in my opinion those people doesn't deserve to keep playing in this game.
But you can only report 5 persons a day. That's kidda annoying because you will at least find more than 5 hackers a day if you play more than 2 hours.

I understand that enough people report players just for getting killed by someone and if you get to much of those reports it gets annoying for the employees for basicly become horrible for them.

So why not make levels/ranks for the players that reports people who are exactly are the hackers and with the level they grow they can report more people at 1 day?

Beside that why not reward the people who are trying to get those horrible hackers from the game for reporting those people as fast as possible. As example Ribbons/EP/Temperary weapons or Permanent weapons.

Please let me know your opinion.

Kind regards,
