Waste of time event&game ruined by devs who dont care about game balance
1. There is no need for smiley ranks to have a 7 days steyr when they create an account
2.There is no need for 9a91 camo to be in coupon exchange for so long
3. There is no need for steyr gold dragon to be given to random players for idk whatever reason
4. There is no need for free barrets
5. There is no need for free vips
6. There is no need for free m14 ebrs in different colors for everyone
7. There is no need for mp mall deagle to be better than almost every zp deagle
8. There is no need for cluster op dragon blade melee in mp shop(first you gave it as a vip preorder now you give it as a free weapon with a color change clap clap)
In conclusion the game balance is absolutely ruined by wtf decisions of developers.
Back between 2010-2013 when i used to buy zp often but in small amounts i had just a few zp guns and there was a difference between me and someone who doesnt buy zp. Not in a way that i had op guns and i was just rampaging trough the room but i had a gun that was special..nowadays there is no difference between someone who buys zp and someone who doesnt.
hit register is terrible, servers are crashing, weekends are hackfest, community is full of toxic little kids. Same people cheat all the time and nothing is being done about them. I get reported for writing nonsence in chat I wasnt even trying to insult and you ban me in a few hours while some people hack for months. And then you say we are trying to give everyone a pleasant experience in the ticket. No you dont.
also spin the wheel event is a total failure. Trash rewards are so often to be won while crates are on par with winning a coupon in gp crate. Lets not talk about jackpot or permanent gun. In one of the first spin the wheel event a smiley rank with ign soulaero won +400k zp only to never log in again(he just logged in once spun and won 400k zp never logged in again). Make a rank limit or something.
btw that part where we have to spend 100k gp to get spins on the wheel. What am I supposed to spend that gp on when I have literally everything of my interest thats in gp shop and every gp bm gun, like 15 thompsons and winchesters. Add a proper gp crate gun not crates like thor which probably nobody of a few thousand people online on the servers doesnt use.
this guy is my clanmate, a good friend of mine. He has 11 zp crate weapons and all of them are from free crates.
For my 5 first zp crate weapons I had to spend probably around 600-700 euros. My luck was terrible.
So nowadays someone who doesnt buy zp at all can have a better account than someone who did spend a decent amount of money a few years ago. Thats just nonsence.
2.There is no need for 9a91 camo to be in coupon exchange for so long
3. There is no need for steyr gold dragon to be given to random players for idk whatever reason
4. There is no need for free barrets
5. There is no need for free vips
6. There is no need for free m14 ebrs in different colors for everyone
7. There is no need for mp mall deagle to be better than almost every zp deagle
8. There is no need for cluster op dragon blade melee in mp shop(first you gave it as a vip preorder now you give it as a free weapon with a color change clap clap)
In conclusion the game balance is absolutely ruined by wtf decisions of developers.
Back between 2010-2013 when i used to buy zp often but in small amounts i had just a few zp guns and there was a difference between me and someone who doesnt buy zp. Not in a way that i had op guns and i was just rampaging trough the room but i had a gun that was special..nowadays there is no difference between someone who buys zp and someone who doesnt.
hit register is terrible, servers are crashing, weekends are hackfest, community is full of toxic little kids. Same people cheat all the time and nothing is being done about them. I get reported for writing nonsence in chat I wasnt even trying to insult and you ban me in a few hours while some people hack for months. And then you say we are trying to give everyone a pleasant experience in the ticket. No you dont.
also spin the wheel event is a total failure. Trash rewards are so often to be won while crates are on par with winning a coupon in gp crate. Lets not talk about jackpot or permanent gun. In one of the first spin the wheel event a smiley rank with ign soulaero won +400k zp only to never log in again(he just logged in once spun and won 400k zp never logged in again). Make a rank limit or something.
btw that part where we have to spend 100k gp to get spins on the wheel. What am I supposed to spend that gp on when I have literally everything of my interest thats in gp shop and every gp bm gun, like 15 thompsons and winchesters. Add a proper gp crate gun not crates like thor which probably nobody of a few thousand people online on the servers doesnt use.
this guy is my clanmate, a good friend of mine. He has 11 zp crate weapons and all of them are from free crates.
For my 5 first zp crate weapons I had to spend probably around 600-700 euros. My luck was terrible.
So nowadays someone who doesnt buy zp at all can have a better account than someone who did spend a decent amount of money a few years ago. Thats just nonsence.
The vast majority are foreign who only want colourful guns and events for ep, if they don’t get they don’t log. You can’t even go a week or two without them making threads asking for event because game is boring for them, which is why you see somuch free timed weapons to keep them logging on.
Overall crossfire doesn’t change, every year it gets worse. Gotta just play or find something new, sad but the truth. -
1. There is no need for smiley ranks to have a 7 days steyr when they create an account
2.There is no need for 9a91 camo to be in coupon exchange for so long
3. There is no need for steyr gold dragon to be given to random players for idk whatever reason
4. There is no need for free barrets
5. There is no need for free vips
6. There is no need for free m14 ebrs in different colors for everyone
7. There is no need for mp mall deagle to be better than almost every zp deagle
8. There is no need for cluster op dragon blade melee in mp shop(first you gave it as a vip preorder now you give it as a free weapon with a color change clap clap)
In conclusion the game balance is absolutely ruined by wtf decisions of developers.
Back between 2010-2013 when i used to buy zp often but in small amounts i had just a few zp guns and there was a difference between me and someone who doesnt buy zp. Not in a way that i had op guns and i was just rampaging trough the room but i had a gun that was special..nowadays there is no difference between someone who buys zp and someone who doesnt.
hit register is terrible, servers are crashing, weekends are hackfest, community is full of toxic little kids. Same people cheat all the time and nothing is being done about them. I get reported for writing nonsence in chat I wasnt even trying to insult and you ban me in a few hours while some people hack for months. And then you say we are trying to give everyone a pleasant experience in the ticket. No you dont.
also spin the wheel event is a total failure. Trash rewards are so often to be won while crates are on par with winning a coupon in gp crate. Lets not talk about jackpot or permanent gun. In one of the first spin the wheel event a smiley rank with ign soulaero won +400k zp only to never log in again(he just logged in once spun and won 400k zp never logged in again). Make a rank limit or something.
btw that part where we have to spend 100k gp to get spins on the wheel. What am I supposed to spend that gp on when I have literally everything of my interest thats in gp shop and every gp bm gun, like 15 thompsons and winchesters. Add a proper gp crate gun not crates like thor which probably nobody of a few thousand people online on the servers doesnt use.
this guy is my clanmate, a good friend of mine. He has 11 zp crate weapons and all of them are from free crates.
For my 5 first zp crate weapons I had to spend probably around 600-700 euros. My luck was terrible.
So nowadays someone who doesnt buy zp at all can have a better account than someone who did spend a decent amount of money a few years ago. Thats just nonsence.
I'm going to disagree with balance part, but the rest is on point. Saying that anyone can get what you buy is what actually balances this game to not become pay to win. Of course you and everyone is mad about how other players can win X gun from few free crates that you spent zp for 100+ and got nothing, and that gun is better than everything you got years ago. But, that's the failure of this disgusting gambling system--few countries in europe even started implementing laws against this kind of nonsense. It doesn't matter that new players get "good guns" or Vips, most of the time they play bad anyways. -
You should reformulate what you said, I agree with some points but the Free crates is a good equaliser, everyone has a chance of winning them. I used to spend tons of euros only to see the gun that I wanted escape from my grasp but now I don't have to spend money on this dying game to actually get some guns. Plus my account has pretty much the guns I need/want and whatever comes around its just an extra.
The main point/focus that the team should have is fixing their servers and dealing with hackers in pubs and specially in Ranked. But ofc they won't do it. I doubt they even have the full capacity to do so. Not only that they are probably tied up by their higher-ups. The ones that are actually making tons of money on a bad managed (not by the GMs but by the owners/devs) game. They are the ones who should take full responsability (yeah I'm talking to you Smilegate or Z8 CEO etc).
Going back to the free crate events , you have to realise that those kind of events and any events are the only thing holding this game from dying. They make most profit from CF CHINA and its only a matter of time before CFNA's time expires.They are just trying to ride this ride (lol) and milk every single dollar/euro they can while it is still alive. -
The be-all and end all, these Game Masters like the foreign Egyptians and them zp glither's called IDK all turks ... hope this Game comes to an end soon . it's horrific playing in pub rooms with the amount of Allah choops cheating like it fun.
IDK clan is all egyptian. Believe me there are not many turks playing this game anymore,u guys get the mistaken idea or impression that playerbase is all egys and turks eventhough u mostly see egys,i know it is hard to distinguish these two countries for foreigners because both of them are islamic countries.I bet you that at least %85 of the player base is egyptian at this point and almost every hacker u see is egy too. -
The "free" VIPs are temporary, relax lol.
The only thing I'm on board with is the Reg... reg is so garbage now it's unreal.
why did you move the server location? And why have you kept quiet about it like we're going to forget about it?? The Reg is absolute dog feces and I'm hoping you do something about it.
e8 server is the only reason why we're still here.. used to throw money carelessly on this game, not anymore -
they are making as much money as they can from the idiots before this game dies. want to help the cause? quit now so this game can die 1 second sooner. there are a handful of good FPS games to go to. cheers B
That'd be good for someone who just recently started to play this game. We old veteran players spent lot of time on this game so it is somehow impossible to leave this game completely. Although i gotta admit persistent hacking situation and the issues highlighted by the thread maker has made me less active. Nowadays, i play this game after every 10 days on average.
I agree with you completely. steyr tmp is a broken gun. M12s is a toy as compared to this broken gun. There is no need to hand out this gun to newbies. There are many other average weapons out there which can be offered to newbies like M4A1-Camo.
M14 ebr shouldn't be given out as a temporary weapon. I encountered lot of players who spray it like a minimi to kill their opponents. However, i always kill them easily but it still ruining the game balance. I remember a time when i had to start from m16 and played with that gun until i became master sergeant. 9a91 camo shouldn't be given out either. It's pretty obvious managers and developers know little to nothing about this game otherwise no one would make these stupid decisions. On top of that, these free handouts are still failed to stop these hackers from hacking.
I still don't get it why d.e. noble silver in MP mall has more ammo than D.E. pink crystal, which we get after 50 ribbons. 50 ribbons is not easy to get and it takes lot of time and events. As i said, its pretty obvious they don't know about their own game.
Dragon blade melee was either an attempt to mock players who always fall into their early VIP sale trap or to discourage them. If it were my company then i obviously wouldn't make that decision as it is a completely suicidal move for the business. -
Typically never a response unless you call them out or just start using profanity and still then they’ll lock thread without given a significant answer or opinion.
And lmao one makes thread about certain weapons including vips, few days later they make another timed vip event and I’m pretty sure that perm one hasn’t even hit presale yet.. gotta do what you gotta do to get some playerbase staying on. -
B you crey like peach.
Reg is just horrible, today I had ran into a guy’s head and sprayed 5 bullets, reg said 34. I couldn’t hit him anywhere else other than his head and he killed me with 2 bullets, and I did 34 damage. No lag, no spikes, nothing.. I won’t even talk about long range reg.. just terrible.
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