Loyal Legion: August 29 - September 2



Attention Mercenaries,

Hiya Mercs, you're looking good today. You look just like you did when you joined way back when. It's been a long time right? Man, remember that time when you did that thing on that map with that gun? Oh man that summer of '09 was pretty great. Turns out you forgot to collect these items back then. To claim your items just follow these steps:
How To Claim:
- Complete 30 minutes of play time every day, for 5 days, to receive a reward based on account creation date each day:
M14EBR Prime 1day - Account Registered Since 2018
M14EBR Taurus 3days - Account Registered Since 2017
M14EBR Ultimate Gold 7 Days & Color Callname 3 Days - Account Registered Since 2015/2016
M14EBR Taurus Crate - Account Registered Since 2013/2014
M14EBR Taurus Crate x2 - Account Registered Since 2011/2012
M14EBR Taurus Crate x5 - Account Registered Since 2009/2010

These Mercs be Loyal!! :cool:

There you have it folks. Just 30 minutes of play, a day, which I say you were going to do anyway, nay? I hope your actually internally answering me as you read this. :p[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/forum.z8games.com\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2]​
Anyways, thanks for choosing to play with us for as long as you did and will be IN THE FUTURE FUTure future *fading echo voice*

-CrossFire Team
