Disconnect host error 0-3 ..anyone else experience this?

Roughly like 2 months ago I started to get "disconnect from host error 0-3"

When I play with one computer only then everything go smoothly...it's happens only when I play with more than 1 pc at the same room(play with desktop+laptop in the in the same room)

I can't play even 10 minuets it a row when play with 2 pc's without getting error

Is that z8 way to avoid farm or something?I wasn't even farming,I was simply playing hero mode x on prime time for get ep on both my main + my alt...I don't even care about exp or kills

I connected to support and GM's told me "reboot your computers"....lol?I have 4 computers,and if it happens in 4 different computers and all the 4 and new..then clearly something wrong with the game and not my computers