shot\kick foot\ recharge\shot macros

Dear admins! in crossfire so big problems.. one of this problems is macros. So big people use macros when play with vip skin. They send mouse right and left mause, after R, after E, after mouse right and left. I undestand macros it is impossible to prohibit, but bug with fast shots you can fix.


  • He is not Macroing that. I played with him in ranked before and he has failed doing that a few times like, not pressing the reload properly so he can’t fire. also, he has high ping so using that way of sniping makes it easier for him to QS, rather than trying to snipe on 100+ ping.

    however, this is classed as hakusation. Although he technically isn’t hacking, you are trying to call him out for “breaking the rules” and that isn’t allowed.

    if you really think he macro’s, send it through Z8 support and let them deal with it.
  • +1 this should be fixed. At uk4 are a Lot People who use this fastshoot thing. Same as the chinawalk