Ghostmode Tutorial

So since the mode is dead i thought about something to make it a little bit less dead. No idea if there was anything like this suggestion before. So lets just start. At the moment there are a lot players in ghostmode rooms who have no idea of how to play it from what i see. It was always like that but since the number of people who know the mode actually decreased over the years it became more visible again. However, theres not enough explanation of how this mode exactly works and how it should be played. The only thing that these players would have is the 2 help windows (of BL and GR when you press F1 ingame) and this is obviously not enough when you look at all the ghostmode rooms nowadays. I know some of these players will never change even when you would give them private lessons but others which i had spoke to just didnt know about any of the mechanics and were blind for that but want to learn. People which i see as potential good players of this mode. Because of this potential players i would like to see a sort of ghostmode tutorial implemented in the game. I will state now different possibilities of how that could look like, but feel free to give your own idea and mind to that theme.

1.) Create a Bot-Mode with Ghostmode.
A short text explanation when you start the mode then this ..
Like a very simple example would be for BL> A long corridor and a stationary not moving Gr at the end of it which is shooting if you get visible.
.. for GR> Hide some stationary ghost which are not moving in the map and the gr have to find it per using the sound system.
On my own i think this would increase the understanding, but most likely this will be to much effort.

2.) Implement a link to a Tutorial-Video or a explaining forum thread.
If you start in a new ghostmode room you could drop a window with a link to a tutorial. This link could lead to a forum thread or a video for example.
This one seems like way less effort. Maybe still to much idk.

3.) Increase the help boxes with more text and better explanations.
I guess the help boxes just will be ignored like at the moment but if you play with some guys and they ask you of how the mode works you can maybe give then the hint to it.


  • ممكن من فد لك تشحنلي 50 الف zp
  • dumb suggestion tbh. this is z8 games forums not smilegate. z8 not gonna do anything. also someones gotta be paid to create these changes and youre delusional if you think these changes will increase player base or profits which is what makes developers do anything in the first place. wasting my time, yours and anyone else who happens to read this. long story short no one cares about ghost mode or bad suggestions
  • Weird that someone with your kind of thinking even read a suggestion forum of a game. Which sounds like a waste of time in first place either since you get nothing from that`and there will always be good and bad post and if you dont expect that while reading them then your just as delusional as me how it looks like ;) However I stated the problem and if there are other ideas of how to solve it then i would like to hear it. My ideas dont have to be the best. Also i have no expectations here. If something happens, cool if not nothing changes and to write or read this text takes 4 minutes and if i use them for playing a game or here doesnt matter at all.
  • FoxRecoon wrote: »
    Weird that someone with your kind of thinking even read a suggestion forum of a game. Which sounds like a waste of time in first place either since you get nothing from that`and there will always be good and bad post and if you dont expect that while reading them then your just as delusional as me how it looks like ;) However I stated the problem and if there are other ideas of how to solve it then i would like to hear it. My ideas dont have to be the best. Also i have no expectations here. If something happens, cool if not nothing changes and to write or read this text takes 4 minutes and if i use them for playing a game or here doesnt matter at all.

    im a sucker for posts with "ghost mode" in the name. but im simply letting you know the suggestions forum is here to make naive people like you think they have a say in the future of the game.
  • Hmm .. sounds like you was false about noone cares about the mode anymore. But good to know that someone is here to soften my downfall when i figure out the real badass world of this suggestion forum. Maybe i can become a desperate comment writer as well and abandon all hope. But when you have a favor for something you just have to try things even when theres less chance that anything gonna happen .. sometimes you just get what you need then.
  • lBanned wrote: »

    im a sucker for posts with "ghost mode" in the name. but im simply letting you know the suggestions forum is here to make naive people like you think they have a say in the future of the game.

    ... don't expose the system...
  • Its weird that people read the post with ghostmode in the name and obviously waiting for a change here but the same time they have no hope that anything gonna change.. and dont do anything for it. i`ve already answered your comment before anyway. So further on i would like to stick to constructive comments. (If this post should even get any) Otherway i would beg you to move on if you get nothing own to say, you dont have to worry about me or this post we will rotten here in peace just like ghostmode.
  • lol i spent 8 yrs promoting the mode and teaching countless players the mechanics. the problem is just how the game is run from the developers pov. but okay constructive comments, fix every rail that has been glitched for 10 years. lab is the stable map in the mode and there are dozens of bugs that still exist all over the map. that would be nice. pretty much anything you can think of has been suggested years ago so not much i can suggest lol they seem to be running tournaments but they are too far inbetween so maybe host small events in between tournys to keep people playing. seems like now no one plays until a week before a tourny
  • Yea thats another point, but you cant be mad at people when they finally move on with their lives and stop with gaming somewhen. But what i meant is that if you look around you still find enough ghostmode rooms but most of the players in it just dont understand the mode, the mechanics. Dont you think theres any solution to show a player how a mode works from the side of the developers or maybe even the community. To implement a single link for example which lead to a video or a tutorial thread in this forum instead of that helping window when you press f1 could already increase the situation. Then you have atleast the chance as a player when people ask you how things work to show them something, - something official which they can also trust. I cant imagine to implement smth like that would take to long even when im not into that stuff but since theres already the function to open external websites ingame when you click on purchase zp this seems like a 5 minute copy and paste thing.
    Out of that view, to ask for something like that doesnt seem to much in first place, for z8 this still would be a big step. A chance always exist.

    i could even state a reason to make smth like that . Ghostmode is their most unique mode and out of that reason they should be interested to bind players long time on this mode so that they dont change the game somewhen but how should that work if noone understands it.
  • this is a good guide -> " "

    they could link the guide in game but lets be real, no one plays ghost mode dude. z8 arent even cf players and the devs dont care about other regions. its a lost cause. i can log in at 7pm est, a high time for traffic, and be lucky to find 1 lab lobby in NA. the crap mutant mode is more popular. teaching a few 180 pingers how to gm wont save this mode let alone the game. i mean how long you expect this pile to keep running? lol