Ranked Point System

Ranked match seasons was a great improvent of the game, BUT...

1. "Game close bug" I think every got it, you start a ranked match and your game closed and you lose 25 or more points -> its just unfair
How to fix: Please improve the game client, before you add new skins...

2. Hackers, why we dont get the lost points back, if we lost against hackers? It makes no sense if we sent replays of a ranked match with a hacker in the enemie team, if you do nothing.
How to fix: If we lost against hacker, we can mark the games or send them and than will honorable players watch them and decide. Like the System in CS:Go. If you copy there maps than pls copy this system too.

3. Weapons, Ranked should be skill based and not weapon based...
How to fix: Give everyone 3 bags in ranked (1. AK, 2. M4, 3. AWM) it would be mutch better. (or 7 bags with good wepons)
Or just banned weapons like TMP M14EBR, 9a1, m12s, and gutlin gun vip, There are no skilled based weapons just lucky spray.


  • 1. I've never had that happen to me but that'd be irritating

    2. Just get a better anti cheat. problem solved

    3. No
  • 1. I'll agree with that because dozen of errors kill ranked such as Jumping and planting bomb at Rocket and get 24_13 ; pushing to the wall randomly by player etc etc
    2. I wonder that old UNFORGETABLE CF EU had few hackers, and worst profit before it get closed and this big client with great profit of moneys , cant improve their anti-cheat , such a shame for real!
    3.I would agree with that because its unfair to face enemies in unequal conditions by weapons , just removing vips would be a big up.