What about a banning phase before a ranked game begin?

I have seen a lot of people who are just pissed of by the over power of some guns in the game. So it is a real problem in fact and at every game it is. For example at League of Legends there are some champions who do not require so much skills but they are really powerfull. Ex. Yasuo but LOL team has found an easy solution to this by a banning phase before champion selection so people can ban champions they dont want to be played.
My suggestion is a banning phase so players can ban guns before a ranked game starts. This can bring some problems of course because at CF we choose our guns before finding rooms so if both of your guns gets banned and you dont have more bags you going to play with knife then. So a solution to this can be a banning phase before everything. So it can be like people who play ranked give their votes to a gun in a list that they do want to be banned and first 5 or 6 or 7 guns gets banned. So you can see what guns arent allowed and make your bags in order to take unbanned guns with you. This is a simple and democratic solution to overpowered guns and I think it will made the ranked games much more competitive in which only really skilled players will take place.
My suggestion as every suggestion can have some problems but in general this can be something that can do well for this problem.