Old AK Model
Do you mean the AK-47 model as in the gameplay or just the visual look? Because if it's the gameplay then the current AK is pretty much great and doesn't require any modifications. There are countless people using it and pretty much mastered it already so I'd recommend you to practice till you get it handy.
Medusa4vver wrote: »Do you mean the AK-47 model as in the gameplay or just the visual look? Because if it's the gameplay then the current AK is pretty much great and doesn't require any modifications. There are countless people using it and pretty much mastered it already so I'd recommend you to practice till you get it handy.
I literally see like 1 player using the regular AK-47 a day lmao.. many people use the CFS version, however. I don't think it would be a problem if they revert back to the old model on most AKs since everyone I know wouldn't mind this change. -
I didn't really notice a change in the model as I was inactive for a long time so when I came back I started practicing once again till I mastered it. I don't mind having the old one (which I don't really remember) as it's pretty good to start practicing once again
But don't touch the Camo AK pls as it's already perfect.
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