Mediocre player......HOWEVER!!!
- Never listens to team strats, matter of fact does the opposite
- If you tell him push A, he goes B site
- Plays like a solo player and not a team player
- He would rather have a ringer in his scrims, other than his own teammate
- Even though he has a $300 wireless router.... frequently disconnects from scrims... His brother RDX- works as Tech-Support, but still is not able to resolve the problem
- In a 1v1 situation, he will often make a guesses as to where the enemy player is, without having a hint or clue where the enemy is. Basically confusing the clutch player.
Lastly but not least .... JUST a fair warning to all teams looking to pick up this toxic player.... he tends to curse in foreign languages whenever he fails to kill the opposing players. -
So this Aroma kid, one time i 1vs1ed him on an alt pretending to be some random.... and then i started to die on purpose and asked him if he played comp (2.0ed him the the end), who is good in the game etc. So brought up some names of people who were on top 3 teams for the past few years and he literally started speak very negatively about them, so then i proceeded to ask hey how about Konrad (yeah its me, only been in the comp scene for under year at that time, im randy obv...), and he roasted me on a jezuz level...but.....he would get on the distortion mumble for the past 3-4 months and literally kiss all of our asses (including me xD)...damn what a snake... must run in the family. Its just 1 of many instances. Thats not nice....
. As a player though he is entry level open, can not trade, poor knoweledge of mechanics, baits, does nothing to contribute to the W (win), runs around doing random stuff sometimes get some lucky head shots on some low level players, not a team player, crumbles 90% of the time against top players, cant aim or snipe dont be fooled. So in general just block him, entry level open at best. Goodluck to everyone CFCL XDXD, and many thanks to the mods for organizing this event.
Helllkitty(!hostile!) -
Mediocre player......HOWEVER!!!
- Never listens to team strats, matter of fact does the opposite
- If you tell him push A, he goes B site
- Plays like a solo player and not a team player
- He would rather have a ringer in his scrims, other than his own teammate
- Even though he has a $300 wireless router.... frequently disconnects from scrims... His brother RDX- works as Tech-Support, but still is not able to resolve the problem
- In a 1v1 situation, he will often make a guesses as to where the enemy player is, without having a hint or clue where the enemy is. Basically confusing the clutch player.
Lastly but not least .... JUST a fair warning to all teams looking to pick up this toxic player.... he tends to curse in foreign languages whenever he fails to kill the opposing players.
Since my initial post got deleted I decided to write it again.
Wrong use of however. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/however
1. Playing aggressive somehow means being a solo player.
2. Apparently flanking and lurking isn't a thing.
3. A ringer that is a good friend of mine for a long time, unlike you snake.
4. $300 router that only causes problems in crossfire. Must be the router.
5. Guesses which most of the time ends up being correct, or are a joke just like you.
I have never cursed someone in "foreign" languages. Guess you really hate me for not playing CFCL open with you.
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