Broken Game (Crossfire)

I have been playing crossfire since 2009 on and off throughout that period, and probably have around 8000 hours play time on the game, just thought id say that so i don't just get flamed off the forum.
However, i personally think that crossfire is at its all time low in enjoyable fair gaming, where skill results in game wins. Whether this be because of the large magnitude of hackers or over powered guns, or even certain nationalities that play this game.

1. Hacking has been on this game consistently for as long as i have played, however with the introduction of ranked matches hacking is being exploited to the max to ruin the pleasure of playing what could be a brilliant game. Z8Games has done next to nothing to try and prevent hacking and i wont be suede by anyone on that, because if they cared about the players they would of come up with a finalised anti-cheat system that actually works.... WORKS (thought id highlight it just so you understand that your anti-cheat system is utter trash).

2. Over-powered Gun with the exception of VIP weaponry, guns such as the TMP and 9A-91 are completely over-powered. Since when should a gun be able to be used for close range to mid range and sometimes long range and still have a 0% recoil rate, super fast reload, low gun weight (increased walk speed) and assault rifle damage ability. Ranked matches are bombarded by these; what i call "Noob cannons" simply because they require no actual skill to use and you will win 95% of all gun on gun interactions just because your gun is basically a fully automatic rocket launcher. People may argue about how VIP weapons can be potentially used in this way, however VIP weapons are suppose to be like this when you pay so much money to get one, you do it because you want to take your game-play to the next level in a competitive manor and get the edge potentially over other people but they are still relatively equally balanced.

3. Nationalities who play a NA/UK based game, currently all matches are 60% Egyptian or Turkish if i was to guess percentages. I have issues with this for the simple reason both of those have dedicated crossfire servers through a different version of crossfire but yet still use the NA/UK one. Generally both Egyptian and Turkish players have a tendency to be abusive, aggressive and create a bad atmosphere to game in. If you kill either one of those nationalities then they claim you are a hacker if you die to one of them then they class you as a Noob but the issue is they abuse you when doing so, and i do not play a game to get verbal abuse thrown at me, although i understand some people do not have the skill sets in game the same as others but it does not give them the right to flame other people for being better.

Summary: The game is near unplayable unless you are Egyptian or Turkish using hacks with a TMP or 9A-91, that is not the way it should be and im saddened by this. Something needs to change because this game will fade away soon enough if this proceeds to happen. But the majority of ranked players are hackers and thats wrong. If other games that have not been around for so long have zero hackers then why does crossfire.

