Some serious rant

TL-DR : this is complain/crying thread about latest things that happen on if you don't want to see crying then don't read this thread.


Look at this "world cup" event for example-for 33 hours of playing there should be at least 1-2 ribbons and few tens of free crates tickets.if they want us to no life play in cf at world cup/exams/summer vacation time...then they should give a bit more than just ball(which is only good looking and will probably suck in game)

And where are the zm/wave/ss games??why the hell there are only the same annoying sd/td in every event time after time?

Also What's about 60 ribbons reward?

And zm2/3 ribbons???and fix broken ribbons that are broken for the begging on the game??

Sorry for insulting again I just getting p!ssed why did china already have CF2 and we are still here begging from our "omni GM's" to add/fix and for the rest same things that we asking from them since 2009
