Team Parkour & Mutant Parkour [Mode Suggestion]

Now obviously, we should get a lot more things done to the game before adding these types of things...buuuuttt we all know how that goes. So this could be some fun changes to Parkour that quite a few people have had fun with already....

So here's what i'm thinking....

Team Parkour
2 Teams. Anywhere from 2v2 to 8v8.

the Courses would be able to be done individually BUT the possibility of completing many of the courses by using the help of team mates should be key. Possible team mate help activities....
-Boosting: on top of each other. *note for this to work the way Parkour handles player interaction needs changed. It'd be sweet if Team A players could boost and run into each other but if you run into an Enemy team member you still walk through them. (not sure if it's possible to do that but maybe?) If it's not possible to make it so same team can boost of each other while walking through enemy players then the courses could be split into 2 so that the opposing teams don't actually have any interaction with each other.

-Doors and Switches: So pretty much the map could end up having players reach different switches and having to use a certain combo/order on the switches to allow a player to progress through an area.

-Breakable glass barriers. *this would work best if in the area enemy teams can't see each other. This way route 1 that a player could make would give access to a pistol and then it'd be up to that player (or players that can make it to that point) to shoot glass barriers destroying them for the rest of the team to move on.

Now, I don't think the entire team should have to make it to the finish line to declare a winning team. But perhaps either first team to get half or more of their team to reach the finish OR it could be whichever team has the most players at the end of the time limit with a stipulation that if a team gets all players to the finish then it ends.
It could also be made that if a player finishes they get sent back to the start to attempt to make another run at it and score more points?

Mutant Parkour
Mutant Parkour is pretty simple.... There's two ways I see this happening. Either at the start you choose a mutant type Slug, Maiden, or Smoke being the primary options due to useful/differing abilities. (Maybe a new mutant with some kind of special movement type could be made to help diversify what's available. So you'd have speed to get ahead, higher jumps to make harder to hit jump spots, or the black smoke to try to make the other players fail and help you get ahead.

The other possibility is that at the start of each section of the map, maybe it can be made to force mutate you into a specific mutant. Thus everyone runs through the same challenges with the same abilities.

The parkour maps themselves would cater to the different mix of abilities and what they offer. But would otherwise run just like regular parkour.
