vip every month

I make this thread as a worried player =(
I lately heard about something called "cf2" that coming out in cf china in 2 weeks,and will come to NA in few months.So I became worried about future vips that we are waiting a long time for and we probably won't get the chance to play with them.I talk about aa12 vip/Nymphs/dragon blade vip...cf2 will come in few months so when will you add all on these things?personally I have 500k zp on my account that I bought like a half of a year ago in order to buy in the future those vips I mentioned what's now?

My suggestion is to add new vip every month from now and till cf2 come out on NA because it's really not fair towards all the players who saved zp to buy those guns and won't get the chance to play with and their zp will get lost with the shutdown of the 1.0 version

I think it's ok to post this video since it's out mod Bankai video



  • Big chance that this CF version will be alive. Since I know a lot of players here have really bad pc to run games from this day. When I am a host and someone else join, sometimes i have to wait 5 minutes when they're done.
  • Pretty much what MinorNinja has said. Just because CF2 will soon-ish be a thing doesn't mean CF1 will just instantly end. CF1 will likely continue for some time as many players who play CF1 won't be able to run CF2 as stated but also because there's a lot of people who have already invested and won't just leave CF1 right then. It is likely though that less and less Developer support will be put towards CF1.

    Also don't hold out too much for a VIP AA12 as far as i'm aware there's no such thing in any legit version of regular CF1.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Also don't hold out too much for a VIP AA12 as far as i'm aware there's no such thing in any legit version of regular CF1.

    What do you mean by "no aa12 vip in any legit version"?it means the videos from youtube are from the illegal cf pharaons version and there is no and will never be aa12 vip in game?

    RIP 500K ZP!!! :(

    Shall I order the ornin?