Here is why I won't be playing much Ranked next season.

Fellow NA player here. I played tons of ranked and here is why I will not be playing much CF in the next season.

1. Ping difference. It's unfair, not fun at all to not reg shots, and dying behind wall etc etc

2. The elo distribution at the end of games needs to be reworked where you don't lose 8-10 points if playing a low elo team. This is just a trick to make you play more and I hate it. It should be standard for all elo.

aaand finally 3. Hackers. They're not dumb. I meet 2-3 right after 4 pm MT (6 pm est) thus making ranked unplayable. Same goes for weekends.

Priority not in order but what makes me mad the most is the elo distribution. Hope this one gets reworked atleast.

Also this is my first post after the new forum. Liked the old one better..


  • relax pyrex GM know that a lot of hackers play in ranked and all we can do report them after we lose point or any thing
    i hope Gm make good security system to catch hackers without waiting players to report them
    and also we need Gm back kik vote in ranked
    and in next season we need GM make ranked count by win not by kill + win or ACE or MVP like [ if BL win all 5 players get 10 point and loser team get -15 point like that ]
    and we hope in this update no more hack
    may be It is our right to play safely and without inconvenience
  • relax pyrex GM know that a lot of hackers play in ranked and all we can do report them after we lose point or any thing
    i hope Gm make good security system to catch hackers without waiting players to report them
    and also we need Gm back kik vote in ranked
    and in next season we need GM make ranked count by win not by kill + win or ACE or MVP like [ if BL win all 5 players get 10 point and loser team get -15 point like that ]
    and we hope in this update no more hack
    may be It is our right to play safely and without inconvenience

    Harder to win and easier to lose right?
  • A wrote:

    Harder to win and easier to lose right?

    Yea you right
  • I can only agree with this post:

    1. i have a very low ping (compared to others players ) around 20-25 and there's a lot of situations where i get fraged (no wallbang), after taking cover behind a wall, sometimes it can takes almost up to a second before taking the shot and this is quiet disturbing , i know a client-server can't offer a perfect experience with no latency at all by definition but 0.5 - 1secs delay is really a problem for a multiplayer fps like crossfire....

    Besides the high pings, we see some players who are obviously experiencing huge packet losses and they are quite annoying..(teleporting around the map, you can't hit them half of the time, etc...)
    High loss for a too long period of time should kick the player out of the match, for all pvp modes.

    2. If someone has information or solid theory about the elo point winning system i'm very curious to hear about it because the differences of points earnings i experience is really hard to understand for me , sometimes it gives the impression it doesn't make any sense, here's an example :
    Yesterday , a 5-2 win, with a 12-4 score offered me 1 single point and it was the ace bonus, the standard score was to 0,.
    The day before a 5-4 or 5-3 win with a score like 10-2 or 10-3 offers me about 14 points in standard score and 12 as mvp/ace bonus which is 26 points total.

    I suppose it depends on your ennemies elo ranks, like on other games, but the gap here between those 2 games is hard to understand, the only explanation (besides a totally broken calculation system) is that i faced only unranked or low bronze enemies on the first game which would be strange since i'm platinum 1 no ? if it's that , the matching system itself has to be reviewed.

    3. I matched up against a few hackers and this is quite annoying, even more with the "particularities" of the elo system we can face,as mentionned above, which can make it harder to recover after losing versus hacker(s) .But i have to say that cheating problem on the game in general is way less important from what i've experienced when i was playing around 2010 with all the people flying around the map and spraying through walls...

    A in-game report system would be great for the game in general, ranked matches could be the nutshell to give it a try.


    Ranked match system is a very popular "activity" on many sorts of differents games. Competition , progression and reward attract people, there is a lot of players who enjoy it and , like me, who play outside ranked games essentially to be better at ranked games so if the ranked match system is left behind and not looked at as what it is for the players by the company staff it's a shame because it is a potential loss of numerous dedicated players and all of the things that goes with it.