CrossFire 101 Event


I've been looking around in the Ribbons Section for the potential next scoop, and noticed that the next ID in line for the Ribbons was 101.

So I got the Idea of having a CrossFire 101 Event. So, let's go!

What is it you need to do?

The Idea of this Event is to teach you the birds and the bees about CrossFire (Well, it's Maps, at least.)
I intend to make you see everything there is to see (Map wise) by making you play every single map CrossFire has to offer. Exactly once!

Now, I can already see you laughing, claiming how easy it'll be, but fear not, Private. You've got your work cut out for you.
I've counted the Maps of less than half of the Available Modes, and reached 100+ Maps that you'll have to check off the list.
And yes, naturally, that includes Wave Mode, Zombie Mode, EVERYTHING.

What are the Specifics?

As I said, every single Map needs to be played. Both Regular Maps and it's 2.0 Renditions.
..."What about Duplicate Maps in different Modes", you ask? If there are 2 or more of the same maps in different Modes, your choice matters.
You only need to play a Map once. If there is a Mode that you'd rather not play, that's the perfect way of circumventing playing that one extra Game in said Mode!

Also! I can already see that glint in your Eyes.
You'd rather re-enact the Christmas Truce and just stand around without so much as lifting your Finger, wouldn't you?
Fat Chance!
You may be able to slack off, but I intend to require you to stay at least 3 Minutes on each Map!
That's the average time a Soldier that is worth his salt should spend examining his surroundings.

So what do I get for my trouble?
Now, this is pretty much the best part of just about everything. The Dessert after the Main Course. Just what do I intend to reward you with for your troubles?

I'm still rather undecided on whether that's enough, so it's all subject to change, but here goes.

A shiny new Ribbon for your Collection!

[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Image result for Crossfire M16A4","data-align":"center","data-size":"full","height":"116","width":"232","src":"https:\/\/\/crossfirefps\/images\/f\/fc\/M16A4_BI.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20160816200704"}[/IMG2]
And as special thanks for Completing this 101 Class!
A permanent upgrade to your trusty M16 which you started out with... The M16A4!

And that's about all she wrote! Think those Rewards are worth it? Got some opinions/questions in general? Well, don't just stand there, voice them, Private!
