Juiced_Up is now recruiting

Juiced_Up, home of the best elements of CrossFire, rank: 1090

Who are we?
A bunch of players who loves playing CrossFire, especially in pubs.

Our history:
Founded back in April 23th by Orange_Juice (Retired), SpecOpsGuy (Now SeaSparrow), Viet_Fish (Now IEatFish and current leader) and lux11 (Now grappe-juice) as an friend reunion clan, we distinguished ourself in every single match, we are knwon for our altitude of Never giving up.

The conditions to apply:
Well, KDR isnt a problem, doesnt matter if you use a M16 or a uzi, we will accept you, the most important thing is to have fun, being respecful and having team spirit.

What is our current situation?
Since we have a monthly member cleanup, we made alot of free space and we currently have 3 empty places to fill!

if you want to join, apply here ---> http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=11534

Have fun!
-Juiced_Up's Second Lieutenant SFC 1st class SeaSparrow
