a Recommendation?

How about DMRs (Designated Marksmen Rifle)? Weapons with lower powered scopes (like a sniper scope with 1/2-3/4 the magnification) and a semi-automatic deal?

Some that could fit would be

SG550 Sniper (My fav XD)
G3 (?)
Or any long assault rifle (Such as a FN FAL, etc)

Really would make things funner imo, rather than using a M4 to snipe across a map <.<

EDIT: Changed "Single Shot deal" to "Semi-automatic deal" so it doesnt sound liek I'm asking for a 1 hit kill. These would do regular if not slightly more damage per shot.

btw, a DMR is supposed to be a weapon with a higher accuracy but its longer and heavier. Snipers dont have crosshairs and are kinda useless in CQC, and Assault rifles lack the range a Sniper has.
