GoCash Exclusive Bonus Cash
GoCash Card and Z8Games are teaming up to offer a bonus cash event. When you purchase GoCash Game Card and redeem in item mall at Z8Game during June 1st – June 30th, 2010, you will receive additional 10% bonus cash!
Redeem Instruction:
*This offer does no coincide with other bonus ZP promotions
Redeem Instruction:
- Simply login to your Z8Games account and click Deposit.
- Click on "Prepaid Card" tab and Select GoCash Card as your payment method
- Choose the amount of ZP you want to add
- Select the game/ server and click on "Buy Now"
- Type in the game code on the back of your game card to complete your purchase.
- The bonus ZP will be added to your game account after the purchase is made.
*This offer does no coincide with other bonus ZP promotions
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