LPK is looking for sponsors



  • phubez wrote: »
    I don't know you either, does that make you a random noob too?

    I only played with you once in a pub... and TBH, you didn't impress me at all.

    You didn't try? Fine... Didn't have a good team? It's all good. Was tired? Meh, it's okay.

    I got no clue of who you are.


    I keep track of pubs, ofc, I'm bad. :D

    But you can't say you're good either. :D
    lol..good ****. let's judge everyone off pubs. i just went 66-23 with a 50% hs ratio bruh. can i get on nci?
  • phubez wrote: »
    I don't know you either, does that make you a random noob too?

    I only played with you once in a pub... and TBH, you didn't impress me at all.

    You didn't try? Fine... Didn't have a good team? It's all good. Was tired? Meh, it's okay.

    I got no clue of who you are.


    I keep track of pubs, ofc, I'm bad. :D

    But you can't say you're good either. :D

    I assume mickeyes is a bad player too because he went negative in a pug.

    Get real.
  • You guy's didn't get my point.

    I was just stating the fact that the only time I saw him play he didn't impress me.

    That's all there is, no judgement, nothing.

    Now go get excited somewhere else you two kids. Thanks. :)
  • phubez wrote: »
    You guy's didn't get my point.

    I was just stating the fact that the only time I saw him play he didn't impress me.

    That's all there is, no judgement, nothing.

    Now go get excited somewhere else you two kids. Thanks. :)

    Stating the fact he didn't impress you is a judgement you moron.

    Get a cat scan.
  • phubez wrote: »
    You guy's didn't get my point.

    I was just stating the fact that the only time I saw him play he didn't impress me.

    That's all there is, no judgement, nothing.

    Now go get excited somewhere else you two kids. Thanks. :)

    Only talk if you can talk like Oz can talk cause he can talk.

    Seriously =\
  • keziaa wrote: »
    Stating the fact he didn't impress you is a judgement you moron.

    Get a cat scan.

    Hehe .
  • Phubez_ > Anyone else in this game.

    in Soviet Russia AND America

    Anyone else in this game > you
  • Geeze jack. Only you would say hehe. Its haha
  • In all honesty- ....In my 8yrs in the competitive scene I've never seen anything like this; And I was sponsored five of the eight years. I'm not 'knocking it', but traditional sponsors contact you. Not to mention, your resume as a team is.... (?) Where is it? Where is your package outline? As a sponsor [secondary] for my nephews team on GB I KNOW what I'm getting into as far as a package of previous play [team]. So my ≈$500/quarterly isn't a blind investment. With a sponsorship comes many legal ties...
    doop51 wrote: »
    not looking for nearly that much

    looking for 80 and the return is 140

    Here's the thing with this; I as an 'investor' payout $80 USD for a return of $140 USD, a rate of .571 interest. Is this guaranteed? Or am I guaranteed the return fee on the registration ($80)? What are the long term stipulations; % of the winnings, etc..etc..?

    Present a package and I'll look into it more seriously....as .571 isn't much to jump into at the moment. As a businessman, I'm not looking to flinch for less than 1.0. It's like saying; If you loan me $1, I'll pay you back $1.50. Compile a public package for people to look over...contacting via. messenger isn't professional. And when you start delving into sponsorships and investors, it's all money and politics. Present a professional package for professional results....

    I think it's good, seeing people strive to take a F2P game to a different level, I do...
  • WOGLBobby wrote: »
    In all honesty- ....In my 8yrs in the competitive scene I've never seen anything like this; And I was sponsored five of the eight years. I'm not 'knocking it', but traditional sponsors contact you. Not to mention, your resume as a team is.... (?) Where is it? Where is your package outline? As a sponsor [secondary] for my nephews team on GB I KNOW what I'm getting into as far as a package of previous play [team]. So my ≈$500/quarterly isn't a blind investment. With a sponsorship comes many legal ties...

    Here's the thing with this; I as an 'investor' payout $80 USD for a return of $140 USD, a rate of .571 interest. Is this guaranteed? Or am I guaranteed the return fee on the registration ($80)? What are the long term stipulations; % of the winnings, etc..etc..?

    Present a package and I'll look into it more seriously....as .571 isn't much to jump into at the moment. As a businessman, I'm not looking to flinch for less than 1.0. It's like saying; If you loan me $1, I'll pay you back $1.50. Compile a public package for people to look over...contacting via. messenger isn't professional. And when you start delving into sponsorships and investors, it's all money and politics. Present a professional package for professional results....

    I think it's good, seeing people strive to take a F2P game to a different level, I do...

    I appreciate constructive responses like this as they are much more than mindless 15 year olds spamming/flaming our thread. For starters, we've already been sponsored for crossfire under Area 51, www.area51gaming.com in 2009, we then quit crossfire and went back to css after a few months of no successful league picking up CF and consequently no competition for us. Our current starting roster has 10x the competitive experience we had back then and we were still picked up by a world renown organization.

    Additionally i believe you're looking at this the completely wrong way, this is a free to play fps with no current leagues running so why would anyone try to make substantial business ventures at the current state of this game. Yes there is your WOGL league coming up but that's one league with a small cash prize for only placing 1st. (not that I'm not looking forward to the league)

    We're simply asking for sponsors for our entry fees as we've already proven to be the most dominant team to touch this game. Anyone interested has been told to inquire with doop and we can develop a better transaction for both parties that way. You're trying to make this far more professional then it has the potential to be. I await your response.
  • Only talk if you can talk like Oz can talk cause he can talk.

    Seriously =\

    this man knows.
  • If you guys go to china. Ill be rootin for ya all the way.
  • Wek_Snoopy wrote: »
    If you guys go to china. Ill be rootin for ya all the way.

    Wayne stand no chance in china, like i said I will hack before he makes it <3
  • you can go to china in a game of RISK.

    gl :)
  • WOGLBobby wrote: »
    In all honesty- ....In my 8yrs in the competitive scene I've never seen anything like this; And I was sponsored five of the eight years. I'm not 'knocking it', but traditional sponsors contact you.

    If I wanted a traditional sponsor I would of used other channels. This "sponsor" serves a dual purpose as a backup to our starting 5. By asking this community I avoid having to "train" a backup from another game, and also having to enter into promises with gaming orgs. If/When we go to china, we do not want to have to share the earnings with someone who just bought us a few zp guns for 90 days.

    WOGLBobby wrote: »
    Not to mention, your resume as a team is.... (?) Where is it? Where is your package outline? As a sponsor [secondary] for my nephews team on GB I KNOW what I'm getting into as far as a package of previous play [team]. So my ≈$500/quarterly isn't a blind investment. With a sponsorship comes many legal ties...

    Current Team: Blight Midwest (Retired)

    Past Teams: Team Sun, GHQ, RandomNG, No Namers, HSW, Carnage, Blight Midwest

    - CS Accomplishments -

    * 8-8 @ ESEA Intermediate Season 5 2010
    * 7th @ ESEA Open Season 4 2009
    * 1st @ Intel LAN Fest Fall 09 2009
    * 7th @ CEVO Main Season 8 2009
    * 2nd @ Intel LAN Fest Colorado 2009
    * 5th @ LacledesLAN13 2008
    * 3-1 @ Thermaltake'em Down 2008
    * 14th @ Lanfest2k7 2007
    * 8-8 @ CEVO Main Season 6 2007
    * 7-9 @ CEVO Main Season 5 2007
    * 6-4 @ CEVO Amateur Season 2 2006
    * 5-5 @ CEVO Amateur Season 1 2006
    * 2-0 @ CAL Main Season 10 2006
    * 9th @ PDXLAN 7 (9th) 2006
    * 4th @ CAL Main Season 4 2006
    * 1st @ EverLAN BYOC Winter 2005
    * 2nd @ CAL Main Season 3 2005
    * 41st @ Summer CPL 2004
    * 6th @ CPL Hardfaught Bootcamp 2004
    * 8-7 @ CAL Main Season 2 2004
    * 6-2 @ CAL Open Season 1 2003
    * 4-2 @ 1.6 Gamelogic Westminster 2006
    * 2nd @ 1.6 MXG Westminster 2005
    * 40th @ 1.6 EverLAN BYOC Summer 2003


    Between LAN and Online Matches

    164 W-85 L (+/-%)


    The Existence

    4th @ CEVO-Main Season 3
    3rd @ CEVO-Amateur Season 4
    9th @ CEVO-Main Season 5
    12th @ CEVO-Main Season 6
    5th @ CEVO-Main Season 7
    8th @ CEVO-Pro Placement (2-2)
    7th @ CEVO-Main Season 8

    7th @ ESEA-Open Season 4
    10th @ ESEA-Intermediate Season 5
    --- @ ESEA-Main Season 6 (inactive)

    3rd @ FGL America Season 1

    1st @ InfernaLAN 2006 Winter
    9th @ DC-LAN 2007 Winter
    1st @ Warfactory 2007
    1st @ BaseLAN 2007 Summer
    1st @ BaseLAN 2007 Winter

    Myself (hasn't been updated in a long while)
    Counter-Strike Source

    .: Online :.
    CAL-O s5 STEROIDS 8-2
    CAL-O s6 Purple Parrots 11-1 (quarterfinals)
    CAL-O s7 iLLicit 15-2 (finalist)
    CAL-IM s8 inimitable 14-3 (semifinalist)
    CAL-M s9 inimitable 11-8 2nd Overall

    TWL-O s4 10-2 briphido Central Champions
    TWL-M s5 6-3 briphido
    TWL-M s6 4-3 briphido

    CEVO-A s2 2-6 Slumber Gaming
    CEVO-A s3 1-4 iLLicit
    CEVO-A s4 6-5 inimitable
    CEVO-M s5 9-7 DOMINATED aka UG/JCP

    ESEA-O s1 1-2 eNs

    .: LAN :.
    Lacledes Lan 11 August '06 - 5th with Pirates Robots and Ninjas 3-2 (reduxz doop f1re corwiN alizee-)
    Warfactory June '07 - 1st with inimitable 7-0 (doop reduxz jsxy natev bandit)
    Warfactory January '08 - 2nd with CH##TZ (doop reduxz phil sype mingus)
    Lacledes Lan 13 March '08 - 5th with HSW (eXjery Kie Conflict Smedegard Doop)

    sype is current cevo-p esea-i, but he i can't find his cs history atm

    What 0zzz has done in cs is beyond me.

    All of this cs has absolutely nothing to do with crossfire. While playing cf in between stints in source. 0zz and I managed to do quite well in the ESL Tourney, and VSGL while on Area 51 (Arguably the top team during its time). Just recently I won the WOGL opening tournament with LifeLine. I am sure I could get them to vouch for my prowess if I need to.

    We are a team of 2+ years transitioning games. 0zz is helping me teach the differences between css and cf to our players. Considering both 0zz and I have played css and cf quite well it isn't that hard of a task.

    We have the drive/chemistry to be a top team. I don't know of any cf teams currently that will practice 5 days a week to guarantee a victory on match night. Sure their are teams that play 5+ days a week, but are they really practicing?

    As a socom aficionado as yourself, I am sure you realize LPK (*Lettin*Punks*Known*) is the name of a well known team from socom. One of our players is roommates with one of the players on LPK. He gave us permission to use the name and quite frankly it fits our teams attitude.
    WOGLBobby wrote: »
    Here's the thing with this; I as an 'investor' payout $80 USD for a return of $140 USD, a rate of .571 interest. Is this guaranteed? Or am I guaranteed the return fee on the registration ($80)? What are the long term stipulations; % of the winnings, etc..etc..?
    $80 includes the $10 you pay for your admission into the WOGL cash league. There are no long term stipulations, if we win the league you get $140 if we fail you get nothing but the knowledge/enjoyment you gain from playing with us.
    WOGLBobby wrote: »
    Present a package and I'll look into it more seriously....as .571 isn't much to jump into at the moment. As a businessman, I'm not looking to flinch for less than 1.0. It's like saying; If you loan me $1, I'll pay you back $1.50. Compile a public package for people to look over...contacting via. messenger isn't professional. And when you start delving into sponsorships and investors, it's all money and politics. Present a professional package for professional results....

    I think it's good, seeing people strive to take a F2P game to a different level, I do...
    $70 to make $140 seems like a decent bargain to play with the best team in the game. If you disagree so be it, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Considering I've spent more than $70 bucks for a weekend of drinking I don't see why this should involve all the stipulations of a full blown gaming org sponsorship, because it isn't. We are talking about crossfire.

    If I don't find a suitable player to be our investor and backup big deal, I can easily supply my team with anything they need. I was just hoping to have a bit more pocket cash for this summer.

    Sure we are just a team of lower invite higher main level players from css, but look at our competition. How many teams in cf can say they have played in lan events together?

    If you or anyone else is interested, feel free to contact me on irc #hsw @ gamesurge (/query doop) or via xfire: kingdoop

    Oh and the problems behind our previous failures in playoffs have all been fixed.
  • If you are looking to be a backup also feel free to message me on xfire: kingdoop

    What I am looking for in a player is pretty specific, if you don't meet what I need please don't feel offended when I tell you so.
  • keziaa wrote: »
    Stating the fact he didn't impress you is a judgement you moron.

    Get a cat scan.

    You have to be mentally reta.rded. Don't type back to me.
  • phubez wrote: »
    You have to be mentally reta.rded. Don't type back to me.

    potatoes please just leave this thread and ignore people that are attacking you
  • phubez wrote: »
    You have to be mentally reta.rded. Don't type back to me.
    keziaa wrote: »
    Get a cat scan.

  • keziaa wrote: »

    would also appreciate it if you left my thread as well
  • doop51 wrote: »
    All of this cs has absolutely nothing to do with crossfire. While playing cf in between stints in source. 0zz and I managed to do quite well in the ESL Tourney, and VSGL while on Area 51 (Arguably the top team during its time). Just recently I won the WOGL opening tournament with LifeLine. I am sure I could get them to vouch for my prowess if I need to.

    I'll vouch, if it can mean anything. The guy is professionnal and knows what he is doing. He has a good reputation all over the comunity and all his experience to back him off. I also heard tons of good comments about the other players on his team. I remember doops as a mentor when he was in LifeLine, and if I wasn't in a competitive team that is attempting to win the same league he's in, I'd support him.

    Bottom line, to anyone out there reading this, take a chance, it's worth it. LPK and LL will good match during the finals of WOGL-P :D
  • Message me tonight if you are interested, hoping to have a decision made by wedensday
  • . . . . .
    doop51 wrote: »
    . . . . .

    Ahh, ok- ....see things are bit more clear on my end; It's a one time venture deal. It's a gamble...I'd be MORE THAN HAPPY to forward this info to gaming investors as well; I have to let it stew as well. If you could clear three last questions for me:
    • When is the latest you can be contacted regarding the 'investment fee'.
    • The investor is also backup? i.e. If I were to invest, I'm not GREAT in PC FPS game...fine, but not great. Does an investor HAVE TO be your 8th-Man?
    • In regards to a payout; Would Multiple strings be an issue (multiple investors in on the $80 fee)?

    I thank you...

    . . . . .

    As far as remembering the name LPK; When I first heard LPK in CF, it struck a chord, but I couldn't remember from where...You may have just answered the ghostly question in my mind. Following the birth of my daughter three yrs ago, my memory...and attention for the Socom series *poofed; My priorities changed 180°.
  • Lets be honest open or main isnt exactly amazing in CSS.
  • BMG survey's sponsor my clan , I just asked them in a email.
    They have given me 20 000ZP for my clan.
  • TrenEYE wrote: »
    Lets be honest open or main isnt exactly amazing in CSS.

    Lets be honest, you havn't even played a season of open so what do you know?
  • TrenEYE wrote: »
    Lets be honest open or main isnt exactly amazing in CSS.

    you would think that if you had never played in the leagues.

    i've played several i/p teams in open. when teams die or go inactive they end up in open the next season