The Inconvenient Truth

WARNING TO ALL CLAN LEADERS. Just making sure u dont get in trouble, by giving out leadership/Lt by rank to some1 u dont know.

_Trick]sHot- and the leader Krausbombers r the worse players i have seen. Kraus goes around to clans and asks for leadership, and obviously kicks every1 and ruins the clan. For example he did that to Pulse clan, he even tried it to Unleashed™ but their leader is smart enough...

but Trick]sHot, he was Lt in this other clan, and when the leader of that clan said no to Kraus that he wont give him leadership, Trick kicked every1 and left with Kraus.

Just sad clan, headsup to every leader, dont let high ranked members wanted leadership ruin ur hardwork creating ur clan.

Ppl respected Kraus too much, I also did, cuz of that video sayin his deaf, but he took it too far. Just lost ur respect dude!. Inconvenient
