Swifty's Mini-PUGs


I got bored. I like running PUGs, they're fun. I'm opening up a temporary PUG vent(My vent).
Vent Info: wrote:

50 Slots - Friend of mine owns it.

The only rule I have for my vent is, don't be a d.bag and everything will be okay. That
sums it up for everything.


SM-PUG rules will be based off of WOGL-Pro Rules:

M4-C, Deagle-Camo and Anaconda-Adv will be allowed though.

Max from a clan in a team is 3.

Match Passwords - Whatever you want as long as no one can raid it.


SM-PUG Drafts

We could do them, but only 8 teams can play at the same time.
I'll call out a random time on a thread and whoever is there will be playing.


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This vent will be going down in the month of June, so I'll be using it as much as I can until then.

Any questions feel free to PM me on xFire - 5w1f7
(No I won't be passing out Admin if you ask)
