PSG-1 not working properly


problems related to weapon functionality

While new patches are normally awesome, fans of the PSG-1 (possibly RD, haven't been able to test it yet) will be having some... I don't know what to call it, Technical Difficulties?

It works fine zoomed out, but when you zoom in, you can shoot no more than one shot before you either have to reload, or switch weapons and back before you can take another zoomed in shot.

If you could fix this ASAP it would be much appreciated.

If you could take a look a the range of the shovel too, as well as it's animation, just to make certain their on (both from the players perspective and out of it) it would be much appreciated, as too many of these bugs adding up will end this games career, and as a fan, I'd hate to see that happen :)... I mention range because it is hard to predict it, it may just be the animations fault, but if the numbers don;t add up in the code then I, as well as many others, would appreciate it being fixed.

Thanks in advance;

ps: (you know, while I feel like ranting XD) not that it matters, but the damage output of the Kriss is unrealistic, should be increased, it's unique design allows it to use less expensive .45 ammo while still having the same range and power output of rifles using higher caliber ammunition... having to pump 4-6 shots into someones head, or 2-4 close up with that gun, is LAME.

I'm also submitting a ticket, with the same contents.