New promotion, UltimateGameCards Questions...

Alright, so this is what I've been baffled about and is hindering me from hopping on the new promotion that has recently implemented. It says if I purchase 'AN' UltimateGameCard that I'll be receiving 3 free GP Crates, does that mean it would be in my best interest to buy multiple UltimateGameCard from Playspan instead of buying a large amount to get more free GP Crates? The amount of points you receive from one 8 dollar card correlates to the same amount of points from the 20 dollar cards. i.e. $8 = 800 pts, $10 = 1000 pts, $20 = 2000 pts, etc.

That being said, wouldn't it be more beneficial to the buyers to keep buying the 8 dollar cards over and over to reach the amount they desire? That way they'll receive more free GP crates and exhaust all the benefit from this promotion.

I am not certain about whether this is a one time thing where you're only able to buy one card and you'll get your 3 free crates or are we able to buy multiple cards and get more crates. If someone has taken advantage of this deal and wanna let me know, I would very much appreciate that. Any input or suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.