How to throw a grenade
Wooo! I know how to throw a grenade. Now, how do you throw flash and smoke grenades?
All these a,b,c class throw weapons are firing the same, if you shooting grenade it is exploding to contact floor or in air, flash drop in air fast, and smoke is floor only(activate when falls on ground).. If you play long maps, need to throw further than normal, press hold w, jump and realase left click to throw fast and far.. -
All these a,b,c class throw weapons are firing the same, if you shooting grenade it is exploding to contact floor or in air, flash drop in air fast, and smoke is floor only(activate when falls on ground).. If you play long maps, need to throw further than normal, press hold w, jump and realase left click to throw fast and far..
i used this today and i woz so pro men.
If I use this guide tomorrow, i will be pro too^^
Dudes this guide should be kept on the low...then the whole cf community is gunna know and then they too will be pro..we cant have that-_- -
All great ideas.
Although, I'd like to keep this thread on low profile because many players do not know how to throw one.
If everyone finds out how to throw grenades, then there will be too many professional players in the game.
Although a sticky would be nice.
Oh, and I believe flash bangs and smoke grenades are too advanced, only the really good professional players understand how to use them.
And wall bouncing with nades is too nooby. No guide on that, sir.
-requesting sticky- -
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