What baiting is NOT

Baiting is not going behind your team to cover their backs from flankers and then find out that they all died while going into a site.

Baiting is not sitting in a corner because you hear a lot of activity near you while your team rushes in like morons.

Baiting is not hiding behind a box in a safe spot waiting for the defuse sound so you can jump out and kill the enemy.

Baiting is not walking to a certain part of the map while the rest of your team runs their asses off.

Baiting is not staying undetected in a good spot where you can get a pick while your team mate advances alone into a group of people.

Baiting is not holding your position, against the enemies that are now coming to you, instead of going to the diversion held at another site.

Baiting is not thinking logically and waiting a few seconds instead of rushing the same place every round.

No sir, that is was baiting is not.
