From Pub to Scrims

This guide will help people who are just Pubbies(someone who plays public games all the time) to competitive playing. It is simple and almost any one can do but it takes time to be a good competitive player certain skills you need that don't really come too much into play in PUBs. Also some of the things in the Guide are connect to many other guides.

This guide will be separated into 2 sections..

I-Personal playing skills needed to be decent competitive player.
(These will all help you in PUGs, Scrims, and PUBs)

1.Use your ears, when ever some one moves with out walking or crouching they will make noise and depending on how loud and what it sounds like you can estimate how far away the enemy or enemies is, Learn the difference between floors and multiple steps. things that stick out are water and falling, they are the easiest to hear.Use Headphones when playing in competitive matches, I'll explain this latter.

2. Know the S&D maps, play in these maps constantly, get a feel for it, see where the enemy comes from and what signs are there to tell you the enemy is coming, Know where their heads are going to be when walking around corners, know where to plant the bomb the more open the bomb is the better it is easier and allows more vantage points on it, Know how to preset nades, flashes and smokes where it will hit the enemy if they are around that corner or rushing. just be able to navigate around the S&D maps.

3. Be patient, If your defense your defense your job is to cover the bomb sites and believe it or not it is easier to cover 2 sites and middle then to rush guns-a-blazin'. Sure you can have offensive attacks while on defense but be wary of your job. don't rush every round, remember the enemy has to go to one of the 2 bombsites to win and if your there you can take the out. Also camping is not a noob thing to do, If you team asks you to cover mid your going to camp it, If you know the enemy always comes here Ill sit behind here and tag them while they cross, but don't camp every round, if you keep camping the same play eventually people will figure you out.

4. Know how good you are and what your weaknesses are, if you know your a decent close range sprayer and not so good at longer distances, try to avoid longer distances, when ever you play you want the advantage over your enemy, so stick to corners and tight spaces. not if your good at longer ranges then shorter, you can pop that kid in the face with your M4 from Long A then your going to want to not rush as hard and let your friends go in front. But also keep working on your shot to try and be good both long and short ranges.

5 Don't be a d_uche I mean of some one is calling you out "Hey, You suck go get good" then never mind them just concentrate on your playing and just because you dropped a 20 bomb first have doesn't give you the right to talk smack, just let the teams call hacks on who ever they want, just respond "If you truly think I hack, either leave or save replay and report " this lets them know you don't care and they can do as they please.

6. Never call hacks, when playing competitive don’t call hacks on players, I'm not saying there isn’t any hacking in competitive I'm just saying that there is ALOT of good players out there and what maybe impossible for you to comprehend how they killed you, is really just a fluke or you underestimated you char's body and stuck out a little. If some one jump around a corner spraying, don’t call hacks maybe he heard you or its his set spray because 9-10 times some ones there. If you truly think some ones hacking save the replay or just leave.

7. Look at walls and know what you can shoot though, when rounding a corner that could have enemies on the other side why would you just turn your view as you turn, If you crouch-jump out to the corner already looking at it you will be able to shoot faster and notice more, also know what walls, boxes, and doors you can shoot though, if you see and enemy trying to hide behind a box because they are low in HP, just spray at the box or aim as if you were shooting their center of mass because they might be crouching and if you aim for the head you wont hit em’. If you get good at this PEOPLE WILL call hacks on you A LOT depending oh you proficiency while doing it, and YES it is possible to be able to jump 1deag around corners all you got to know is where to aim.

8. Anticipate, try to guess what your enemy will do to have a better defense.
