[tutorial] how to bunnyhop
Basic Tutorial On how to b-hop in crossfire
B-hopping can be useful in modes like g.m its a movement of not being seen
There are 4 types of bhops
There are 3 types of bhops
1) Back bhop
2) Forward Bhop
3) Side Bhop & fs Bhop
How to do Back Bhop
1) Join a game
2) Hold 'S'and 'Ctrl'
3) Now your holding 'S' + 'Ctrl" now hit space bar
4) Back hop is done
5) When you hit the ground Automacially press 'Space bar'
6) In this b-hop your 5% visible
How to do Forward Bhop
1) Join a Game
2) Press 'W' for about 2-4 secs
3) When doing step 2 jump in the air
4) when your jumping in mid air press 'Ctrl'
5) when you hit the ground press space bar again,This part is essential if you stuff up this you have to start again.
6) This Bhop your 0% visible you will flash in first 2-3 jumps after that your 0% visible
How To FS bhop, Side bhop
1)Repeat Forward B-hop with just the control with 'A' & 'D'
2)FS bhop is Fully Sick bhop but with 0% visibability for this you need 150+ FPS
B-hopping can be useful in modes like g.m its a movement of not being seen
There are 4 types of bhops
There are 3 types of bhops
1) Back bhop
2) Forward Bhop
3) Side Bhop & fs Bhop
How to do Back Bhop
1) Join a game
2) Hold 'S'and 'Ctrl'
3) Now your holding 'S' + 'Ctrl" now hit space bar
4) Back hop is done
5) When you hit the ground Automacially press 'Space bar'
6) In this b-hop your 5% visible
How to do Forward Bhop
1) Join a Game
2) Press 'W' for about 2-4 secs
3) When doing step 2 jump in the air
4) when your jumping in mid air press 'Ctrl'
5) when you hit the ground press space bar again,This part is essential if you stuff up this you have to start again.
6) This Bhop your 0% visible you will flash in first 2-3 jumps after that your 0% visible
How To FS bhop, Side bhop
1)Repeat Forward B-hop with just the control with 'A' & 'D'
2)FS bhop is Fully Sick bhop but with 0% visibability for this you need 150+ FPS
When done properly backwards bhop is 100% invisible.
Starting with backwards bhop you can turn to do forward bhop mid bhop. also you only need to hold crouch and tap jump for a straight bhop which makes it ez to look around as you do it.
And i'm pretty sure this subject has already been started in another thread.
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